
Exploring the Core Competencies of Family Engagement

Image of preschool students look for signs of spring in a school garden.

Learning Objectives

  • 7.1  Differentiate between the terms parent involvement, family involvement, family engagement, and family learning.
  • 7.2  Integrate the Dual Capacity-Building Framework into our understanding of family engagement.
  • 7.3  Reflect on how the Family Engagement Core Competencies from the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement can inform your work with children, families, schools, and communities.


In the field of Child and Family Studies, professionals are guided by sets of core competencies that outline the intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies necessary to foster positive and collaborative relationships between families, schools, and communities.  Collaborative relationships honor funds of knowledge, equitable processes, cultural humility, and trust.  Exemplar core competencies incorporate those concepts into their mission statement, domains, and objectives.

Professionals in the field of Child and Family Studies have access to many core competencies from reputable organizations.  Below are examples from national or state education and outreach associations that Child and Family professionals may connect with:

Core competencies are critically important in helping to guide the field of Child and Family Studies.  They outline the core values and strategic vision of organizations.  They incorporate the voices of families and communities.  They outline the professional development areas for staff and serve as the philosophical foundation for the development of programming for their members.  This chapter will draw heavily on the core competencies presented by the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement.

Pause to Reflect

Discuss the following questions.

  1. Choose two of the organizations listed above that you are interested in learning about.
  2. Read through the organizations’ mission statements and core competencies.
  3. Create a table of that information that summarizes the key points.
  4. Based on what you have read, determine if the organizations’ core competencies reflect funds of knowledge, equitable processes, cultural humility, and trust.


Media Attributions

  • Teacher and preschoolers in garden


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