

This textbook is best viewed online in the “Read Book” format available through Pressbooks. The Read Book format enables all accessible multimedia content. Users can also download a PDF or request a print copy through eCampusOntario’s Open Library.

Throughout this text you will encounter various learning–teaching strategies. Here is a short summary:

  • Textual information describes the content.
  • Points of Consideration provide additional information to push your thinking beyond the main point to consider in practice. Points of consideration are visually separated from the rest of the textual information using a text box.
  • Findings that require intervention, highlighted as take action, such as abnormal or critical findings or findings that require health promotion.
  • Activities give you an opportunity to evaluate your learning.
  • Videos and podcasts help you understand the information in a different way.
  • Important phrases are bolded.
  • Unfamiliar and complex terms are bolded and included in the glossary at the end of the book. If reading the book online, hover your cursor over a bolded word to reveal the definition.


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Food Labelling Copyright © by Jennifer L. Lapum; Oona St-Amant; Wendy Garcia; Lisa Seto Nielsen; and Rezwana Rahman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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