
4.9 Exercises/Activities for Teachers and Students


  1. Why is job analysis called the “bedrock” of HRM practices? Discuss with a partner.
  2. Discuss how job analysis helps with 1. Recruitment and selection 2. Compensation 3. Performance assessment. Work with a partner. Share with large group.
  3. Since Covid19, work has been dramatically reorganized. Discuss the ways in which jobs have changed. Brainstorm with large group.
  4. What might be some challenges with task-based job analysis? Discuss in small group.
  5. Research the NOC (National Occupation Classification Code) on the internet. Find 2 different HR jobs. How would you use this information to design a job description for yourself? Discuss with a partner.
  6. Job Characteristics Model have 5 characteristics that include 1. Skill variety 2. Task identity 3. Task significance 4. Autonomy 5. Feedback. For each characteristic, offer an example of how it could be used to improve the company, and the employee’s job. Work in small group.
  7. Some might argue that job enlargement is just trying to “get more work out of the employee.” Discuss this statement. Could this be true? Why? Why not? Work in a small group.
  8. At what point does a company decide that they want to shift to flexible work hours? Do you believe flexible work hours are good for the company? Employee? Why? Why not? Discuss in small group.
  9. What challenges might a company experience by offering telecommuting? As the HR Specialist, what can you do to ensure this is in the company’s best interests? Discuss in small group.


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Human Resources Management Copyright © 2023 by Debra Patterson; Elizabeth Cameron; Stéphane Brutus; and Nora Baronian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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