
6.11 Exercises/Activities for Teachers and Students


  1. Review the differences between training and development. In your own words explain the difference to a partner.
  2. Read the following statement. “I a person is hired for a position in the most effective way possible, there is no need for them to complete an Onboarding training.  Agree?  Disagree? Why or why not?  Discuss in a small group.
  3. Offer examples of external training that could be offered by an employer in the manufacturing industry. Rationalize why this training is not/could not be offered in-house.  Make a list with a small group and discuss.
  4. What are the benefits of offering an Onboarding Program to employees? To the employer?  Brainstorm in large group.
  5. Only recently has the cost of training become an important element in Training & Development. Discuss reasons why it is important in designing a training program. Discuss in a small group.
  6. Research Bloom’s Taxonomy on the internet. Design a learning objective for a training of 20 customer service reps to learn customer service skills related to communication with customers. Ensure you use Bloom’s action verbs. Individual. Share with large group.  Write it on the whiteboard for critique by other students.
  7. Some methods of training are better for some types of training. What method(s) of training would you use for the following jobs?  And, discuss why?  1. Carpenter 2. Inventory clerk in a warehouse 3. A newly hired Manager 4. A nurse who has moved from general hospital duties to the emergency department. Discuss with a partner. Share in large group.
  8. There are benefits to synchronous learning and asynchronous learning. As a student, which type of learning do you prefer? Why? As a Training Manager who designs training, which type of training would you prefer? Is it different? The same? Why, if there is a difference? Discuss with a partner.
  9. Why, as an HR Manager, would you be concerned about succession planning? Brainstorm in large group.
  10. As an HR Manager of a small domestic company, you are responsible to ensure employees have a Career Plan. One of your employees has stated they have no intention of staying with the company longer than 3 years. They want to move on to an international company and travel the world. However, your company does offer $1000.00/year for employees to take Certification Programs at the local college.  This employee is eligible for these dollars.  What decision do you make about this employee’s future with your company related to the Certification Program they have requested as part of the Career Plan?  Discuss in small group.
  11. Suppose you are working for a company in the HR department as a payroll clerk. Your desire is to become an HR Manager someday in the future.  Your Career Planning meeting is come up soon with your Supervisor.  What information would you need to prepare before you go to the meeting?  Discuss with a partner.
  12. Training evaluation is critical to future planning for training and development. At Level 1, after completing a training for Supervisors on Leadership & Development, you receive low scores on most of the answers related to satisfaction, training methods, and learning.  What is your next step?  Discuss with a partner.


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Human Resources Management Copyright © 2023 by Debra Patterson; Elizabeth Cameron; Stéphane Brutus; and Nora Baronian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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