
Work Experience Procedures

Preparing for a Work Experience

At NSCC, we believe in providing students with valuable and meaningful work experience opportunities. These experiences can be either sourced by the employer directly or by students themselves. To ensure the quality of these opportunities, each work experience must be program relevant and approved by the student’s faculty or academic chair to ensure it meets the Work-integrated Learning expectations, program requirements and risk management policies.

Culinary faculty member dressed in chef uniforms, gather around a stove in a kitchen, demonstrating culinary techniques to students.

Posting Positions for Work Experience

If you wish to offer a work experience opportunity, please post the position on our Student and Graduate Employment site. In case you need any assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at jobs@nscc.ca .

Explore Funding Options

For employers interested in hiring students, we have various funding programs available. More information about these programs can be found on our website. If you require NSCC’s endorsement on a funding application or have any questions about these programs, please reach out to Career and Employment services at workexperience@nscc.ca.

Competition Process

Where suitable, employers are encouraged to conduct a thorough competition process. Employers are responsible to screen, interview, conduct employment testing, conduct reference checks, facilitate other screening requirements, and complete background checks as required. These arrangements MUST be made directly with the student.

Extending Offers

Once you have selected a candidate, you can extend the offer directly to the student or through the faculty. The student must then inform their faculty and finalize all arrangements before accepting the offer. It’s essential to note that all work experience positions must be approved by the faculty before the student can officially accept the position.


Establish clear lines of communication for the student to reach out for assistance or ask questions. Provide contact information for relevant personnel and a designated point of contact within your organization .

By following these guidelines, you can contribute to the growth and development of our students while enriching your organization with fresh perspectives and talent. Together, we can create a meaningful and rewarding work experience journey.

During a Work Experience

faculty and student working on a car for an automotive project

Orientation and Job Safety Review

Employers are required to conduct a comprehensive orientation with students on their first day of work experience. This orientation serves to familiarize the student with their responsibilities and provides an overview of the company’s mission, vision, values, and other pertinent information. Additionally, the employer must review the company’s safety program with the student. For this process, you must complete the Orientation and Job Safety Review form provided by the student, which acts as a helpful guide.

At the conclusion of the orientation the student should:

  • Have a clear understanding of their job description and what is expected of them.
  • Be acquainted with the company’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan.
  • Understand the company’s organizational structure.
  • Know about the company’s internal web sites, if applicable.
  • Feel welcomed, valued, and a productive member of the team.

Another essential aspect of the orientation is job safety. After the job safety review, the student should:

  • Be familiar with your policies, rules, and regulations including OH&S guidelines.
  • Have a plan in place to receive the necessary tools, equipment and training as per provincial/federal guidelines, prior to engaging in activities that require additional tools, equipment and training.
  • Be familiar with the physical layout of the work site, including emergency exits and locations of all first aid supplies and fire protection equipment.
  • Be aware of any potential job hazards that may be present and how to handle them.
  • Possess or have a plan to obtain and be properly fitted for all the required personal protective equipment required for the assigned tasks.


Confidentiality is of upmost importance in maintaining privacy, security, and trust in professional and personal interactions. Students are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding all information about clients, policies, and work materials they may encounter during their experience. However, sharing general information relevant to the student’s educational experience with faculty may be necessary.


Work experience is an essential part of the student’s program of study. For this reason, it is important for NSCC faculty to conduct at least one check-in during the experience. The purpose of a check-in is to identify what the student has been doing, determine any support that may be needed from NSCC and provide guidance to support the student and employer where needed. It is also an opportunity to address any workplace concerns that have occurred. Whenever possible, the faculty should conduct joint check-ins with both the student and their supervisor/mentor, however, separate arrangements can also be made if needed. Additional check-ins may be scheduled based on the work experience’s duration, in consultation with the faculty. Check-ins can take place, over the phone, or through technology, depending on the situation or the employer’s location.

In case of any change in the student’s work assignments/responsibilities or unforeseen developments, the employer should promptly notify the student’s faculty without waiting for the check-in. This includes changes to the work locations, such as remote or on-site, or from one office location to another.

Accident/Incident Reporting

During the work experience, if any accidents or incidents occur, it is crucial to contact NSCC immediately. In the event of a serious accident or incident necessitating ambulance transport, hospitalization, or emergency care, contact NSCC Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Services IMMEDIATELY at (902)-491-7233.

In case of a non-serious accident or incident, the employer must submit an Accident/Incident Report form, provided by the student, to Career & Employment services via email  within 24 hours of the accident/incident. This report will be shared with the student’s Faculty, Academic Chair, Principal, and the Occupational Health & Safety office to ensure appropriate follow-up and support.

Following the Work Experience

Evaluation of the Work Experience

Your valuable feedback on the student’s performance at the conclusion of the work experience is crucial. During your scheduled check-in with the faculty, you will have the opportunity to discuss the students’ progress and contributions. The student’s grade for the course is determined based on your input, making your evaluation an essential part of the process.

In the event the work experience needs to be terminated prematurely, the Faculty and Academic Chair will carefully assess the situation and discuss the student’s options with them to ensure a fair resolution.

*Please note, the evaluation should be completed at the end of the student’s work experience and sent to the faculty contact listed on the work experience agreement, and to the student when appropriate.

NSCC’s Work-Integrated Learning & Co-op Student of the Year Awards

Each year, NSCC acknowledges outstanding achievements through the Co-op Student of the Year and WIL Student of the Year awards. If you wish to nominate a student for these honours, please contact us by email. Once nominated, students will be required to initiate their application through NSCC’s Student Awards Portal. As an employer, you will be asked to support the students’ application by sharing the significant impact they have had on your organization. The students’ faculty will also be requested to provide a referral for the nominated student. A committee will diligently review all applications, and the awards will be presented to the deserving recipients during their campus awards ceremony in June. With the recipient’s consent, the winner of these awards will be nominated for the prestigious CEWIL Canada award. The nominations for the CEWIL Canada award are submitted to the CEWIL Canada office by January each year.

CEWIL Canada award winning students receive a monetary award of $1000, which consists of $500 from the CEWIL Canada award and $500 from the Emery-Dufault award. Further details about this award can be found on the CEWIL Canada website. Your recognition of exceptional students and their contributions to your organization is invaluable in shaping their future success and fostering work-integrated learning opportunities for all. NSCC extends our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and active participation in this transformative process. Together, we are empowering the next generation of skilled professionals and making a positive impact on the world of work. Thank you for being a vital part of this journey.

student working on laptop


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Work-Integrated Learning Employer Guide Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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