

One of the most important aspects of being successful in the food service industry is being able to manage costs. Without managing costs, none of the businesses you might work for over the course of your career would remain open. In this book, we explore the fundamentals of kitchen management from the basic math and calculations you will need to use every day to an overview of the costs associated with operating a kitchen or any food service operation.

Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in BC’s food service and hospitality industry. Although created with the professional cook, baker, and meat cutter programs in mind, these books have been designed as a modular series and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in food service skills.

Other books in the series include:

  • Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene
  • Working in the Food Service Industry
  • Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry
  • Meat Cutting and Processing
  • Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry
  • Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker
  • Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker
  • Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques

The series has been developed collaboratively with participation from public and private post-secondary institutions.


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Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management Copyright © 2015 by The BC Cook Articulation Committee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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