Version History

Business Mathematics was created by combining chapters from NSCC Math for Bookkeeping and Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged by Sanja Krajisnik, Carol Leppinen, and Jelena Loncar-Vines, Conestoga College.

Both books are Pressbooks hosted condensed adapted versions of Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook by J. Olivier. All works shared under CC BY-NC-SA licenses.

Additional content added from Financial Empowerment by Bettina Schneider and Saylor Academy CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and Mathematics for the Liberal Arts by Lumen Learning shared under a CC BY license.


NSCC Business Math Adapted From
1. Basic Math Review
1.1 Order of Operations 2.1  in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
1.2 Fractions and Decimals 2.2 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
1.3 Rules & Properties of Exponents Rules for Exponents in
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
1.4 Solving Linear Equations 2.5 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
1.5 Solving Word Problems Apply a Problem-Solving Strategy to Basic Word Problems  in
Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
1.6 Break-Even Analysis 5.2 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
1.7 Formulas new
2 Mathematics of Merchandising
2.1 Figuring Out the Cost: Discounts 6.1 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
2.2 Markup: Setting the Regular Price 6.2 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
2.3 Markdown: Setting the Sale Price 6.3 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
2.5 Invoicing: Terms of Payment and Cash Discounts -NSCC 7.4 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
3 Evaluating Choices: Time, Risk, and Value
3.1 The Time Value of Money Unit 4.1 from Chapter 4 Evaluating Choices: Time, Risk, and Value in Financial Empowerment
3.2 Valuing a Series of Cash Flows Unit 4.3 from Chapter 4 Evaluating Choices: Time, Risk, and Value in Financial Empowerment
3.3 Calculating the Relationship of Time and Value Unit 4.2 from Chapter 4 Evaluating Choices: Time, Risk, and Value in Financial Empowerment
4 Simple Interest
4.1 Principal, Rate, Time 8.1 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
4.2 Maturity Value (or Future Value) Moving Money Involving Simple Interest 8.2 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
4.3 Application of Future Value: Savings Accounts And Short-Term GICs 8.3 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
4.4 Application of Present Value: Treasury Bills and Commercial Paper 8.6 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
4.5 Simple Interest Terminology (Interactive Activity) Chapter 8: Simple Interest Terminology in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
4.6 Key Concepts Summary
4.7 Symbols and Formulas Introduced Chapter 8: Symbols and Formulas in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
4.8 Glossary of Terms new
5 Compound Interest
5.1 Compound Interest Fundamentals 9.1 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
5.2 Determining the Future (Maturity) Value 9.2 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
5.3 Determining the Present Value 9.3 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
5.4 Equivalent Payments 9.4 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
5.5 Determining the Interest Rate 9.5 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
5.6 Compound Interest Terminology (Interactive Activity) 9 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
5.7 Key Concepts Summary 9.7 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
5.8 Symbols and Formulas Chapter 9: Symbols and Formulas in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
5.9 Glossary of Terms New
6 Compound Interest – Applications & Single Payments
6.1 Application: Long Term GICs 10.1 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
6.2 Application: Long Term Promissory Notes 10.2 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook</td
6.3 Application: Strip Bonds 10.3
6.4 Key Concepts Summary 10-.S
6.5 Symbols and Formulas Chapter 10: Symbols and Formulas in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
6.6 Glossary of Terms new
7 Compound Interest – Annuities
7.1 Fundamentals of Annuities 11.1 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
7.2 Future Value of Annuities 11.2
7.3 Present Value of Annuities 11.3
7.4 Annuity Payment Amounts 11.4
7.5 Number of Annuity Payments 11.5
7.6 Annuity Interest Rate 11.6
7.7 Annuities Terminology (Interactive Activity) Chapter 11: Annuities Terminology (Interactive Activity) in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
7.8 Annuities Key Concepts Summary Chapter 11: Key Concepts Summary in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
7.9 Symbols and Formulas Chapter 11: Symbols and Formulas in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
7.10 Glossary of Terms new
8 Compound Interest – Special Applications
8.1 Deferred Annuities 12.1 in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook
8.2 Key Concepts 12.5
8.3 Symbols and Formulas Chapter 12: Symbols and Formulas in Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged
8.4 Glossary of Terms new


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NSCC Business Math Copyright © 2023 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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