5.3 Let’s Practice

The Writing Process
- Consider the provocation – see reflection points below.
- Free Write for 5 minutes
- Share your thoughts with one other person
- Write again for 5 minutes
- Participate in group conversation
- Write a final reflection
Writing Activity
Choose one of the provocations below and then one or more of the writing prompts and practice writing.
A) Climbing Photo by S. Third, 2022
A photo showing a child climbing
B) Dialogue with Natural Materials on Vimeo
This 5:53 minute video shows the unique experience children have with the natural world
C) Pedagogical Practice (College of ECE)
This 34 page Practice Guideline explores the obligation and practice of being a reflective practitioner, through the lens of a self regulating body
D) What is COVID-19 and how does it relate to child development
This short info graphic examines the affects of COVID-19 on development
E) DevelopingprofessionalismthroughreflectivepracticeJBLeach.pdf
This 14 page research paper explores the topic of professional learning, professionalism and reflective practice
F) The Heart of Teaching Toddlers
In this 55 minute podcast author and expert Deb Curtis discusses why toddlers are continue to be where she wants to teach after 40 years
Writing Prompts:
- What do you notice about the children? Their face, their demeanor, their competence. What captures your attention from viewing the photo, video or reading the article?
- How do you feel when you are looking at the photo, watching the video or reading?
- What questions do you have about the content considering the perspective of the child, their family, and desired learning outcomes?
- What delights you as you examine the material and how is this response related to your own values and background?
Dig Deeper
Want to explore more on Writing for Reflection Chapter 10 of this OPEN resource will provide more opportunities to explore this component of reflective practice
Anti-Bias Leaders in Early Childhood Education a guide to change with Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo
Writing prompts adapted from A Thinking Lens for Reflective Teaching used under fair dealing for educational purposes.
Curtis, D., Carter, M. and Pelo, A. (2007). Learning together with young children: A curriculum framework for reflective teachers. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.