
13 Activity Creation: Have Students Locate Errors

Faculty Objective

  • Use Generative AI to assist in creating an activity that encourages your students to fact check information related to their topic of study.

Faculty are familiar with creating instructional activities that encourage students to engage with the content they are learning.  Fact checking a document is an excellent way to have students review details of content they have been taught and apply it. Generative AI can help you create this type of activity more quickly.

It is up to you if you will have students verify the document you give them using Generative AI or through another method (or both). If you also have students use Generative AI, this activity can be used to both reinforce important concepts in your course, while encouraging students to carefully consider the information that Generative AI provides them with.

Activity Creation Steps

  • Use Generative AI to create statements of fact or short overviews of a topic you want your students to learn about.
  • Review and intentionally add errors (if none are already present) to this output.
    • You could also Prompt Generative AI to create content with built in errors, although this can be more time consuming as you must locate the errors and Generative AI sometimes has difficulty with these commands even when they are given in multiple steps.
  • Give students the written output and have them review the content to locate and correct any errors.
  • Debrief the activity as a group.


  • Will you have students use Generative AI to locate and provide corrections for the answers, or is this something you want them to do based on class discussions, review notes and/or textbooks?
  • Make sure you clearly label the activity as error correction so students do not mistake this for correct process.
  • To model Academic Integrity, make sure to include a statement that acknowledges your use of Generative AI to create the activity content.
  • If you are considering encouraging your students to use your campus library to verify the information generated in this activity, it’s a good idea to give your campus librarian a heads up to prepare.
  • Please refer to cautions in the Introduction that apply to all activities using Generative AI.

Example Prompts

Ask Generative AI to create incorrect instructions

  • I am an instructor in a carpentry program. Please write a ten step list for framing a wall but make two steps wrong. Tell me which are wrong. Please use metric for measurements.

Ask Generative AI to create correct instructions (modify to add errors yourself).

  • Please create the HTML code for a basic web page on the topic of bananas. Make sure it has at least 2 <h2> tags, 3 <p> tags, at least 1 ordered and one unordered list.  Do not include CSS


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