
Chapter 3. Accommodation

3.2 Camping and RV Accommodation

Figure 3.10 Corney Brook Campground. Cape Breton Highlands National park. Image Credit: Taber Andrew Bain.

A significant portion of travel accommodation is also provided in campgrounds and recreational vehicles (RVs). As the Canadian tourism brand is closely tied to the outdoors, and these are two options that immerse travellers in the outdoor experience, it is no surprise that these two types of accommodation are popular options.

In 2017, 2.1 million Canadian RV owners took an estimated 8.2 million trips by RV.  Canadians who rented RVs took an estimated 612,000 trips bringing the collective total number of RV trips in Canada to 8.8 million (Devehish, 2018).

Spotlight On: Canadian Camping and RVing Council

The Canadian Camping and RV Council (CCRVC) represents the interests of private campground owners across Canada for the betterment and support of the Camping and RV Industry. The Association serves as the national advocacy voice of campgrounds across Canada. For more information, visit the Canadian Camping and RV Council website.

Turning to camping, across the country there are approximately 3,000 independently owned and operated campgrounds welcomed guests for camping in both RVs and tents in Canada.

Spotlight On: Parks Canada 

Parks Canada has created Camping 101: What you need to know before you spend the night. On their page they state “There’s no better way to experience a national historic site or national park than by camping in it.” The site provides all kinds of helpful tips from how to reserve, camping basics, rules and etiquette, etc. For more information visit the Parks Canada site.

Chapter 5 provides more in-depth information about the importance of the recreation sector. For now, let’s move our discussion forward by taking a closer look at the common organizational structure of many accommodation businesses.

Image Credit

Corney Brook Campground. Cape Breton Highlands National Park by Taber Andrew Bain on Flickr is licensed under a CC BY-NC 2.0 licence.


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