
10.2 Types of Objections and How to Handle Them

Learning how to handle objections is key, especially when many of the same ones occur regularly. All handling techniques should be an attempt to reframe the objection so that the prospect understands the bigger picture, the benefits to your product or service and any missing information is provided:[1]

  1. Restate the objection before answering the objection. It is a good idea to check for understanding and demonstrate that you are listening by restating your prospect’s objection. For example, “So what you’re saying is you’re concerned about the capacity during peak periods” or: So you are saying that you’re concerned with ROI and the impact on your total costs?”
  2. View the objection as a question and then question to understand. “Why do you feel the price is too high” or “Can you share your concerns in this area?” “What changes would make this work”
  3. Take a pause before responding. Many times salespeople “oversell” when they are answering an objection. When a prospect raises an objection, stop, listen, and pause for a few seconds. This shows the prospect that you are legitimately listening to her objection, not just trying to sell.[2]
  4. Use testimonials and past experiences. Don’t avoid answering any part of an objection. In fact, objections are the perfect time to share testimonials. For example, “I have another customer who was concerned about the turnaround time. They found that not only were we able to deliver on time, we were slightly under budget.” Testimonials can be very powerful at any point in your sales presentation but especially when a prospect presents an objection.

Dos and Don’ts of Handling Objections

The following are things you should concentrate on doing when you are handling objections:

  • Do maintain a positive attitude and be enthusiastic.
  • Do remember that objections are a natural part of the sales process and should not be considered as a personal affront.
  • Do maintain good eye contact, even when under fire.
  • Do listen closely to an objection.
  • Do acknowledge the objection and let your prospect be heard.
  • Do prepare to prove your position with testimonials, references, and documentation.

The following are things you should avoid doing when you are handling objections:

  • Don’t knock the competition. That takes the focus off you and your company, and you never want to do that.
  • Don’t say anything negative about your company.
  • Don’t say anything negative about your product or service.
  • Don’t tell the customer that they are wrong.
  • Don’t tell the customer, “You don’t understand.”
  • Don’t argue with a customer.
  • Don’t lie to a customer. Long-term relationships are built on trust and honesty. It is far better to say, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out and get right back to you.”
  • Don’t be defensive. That’s not a positive approach to an objection.
  • Don’t lose your cool with the customer.
  • Don’t let an objection go by without an answer.

  1. Chan. (2023, April 11).7 winning steps for effective objection handling [blog post]. Salesforce. https://www.salesforce.com/blog/6-techniques-for-effective-objection-handling-blog/
  2. Galper, A. (2016, October 17). Diffuse objections by listening to your prospect’s concerns… Unlock the Sales Game. https://unlockthegame.com/diffuse-objections-by-listening-to-your-prospects-concerns/


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