Additional Resources and References

- SDSN Australia/Pacific (2017): Getting Started with the SDGs in Universities: A guide for universities, higher education institutions, and the academic sector. Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Edition. Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Australia/Pacific, Melbourne. This guide provides a toolkit and examples of higher education institutions in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific integrating the SDGs in operations, research, community outreach and academics.
- Community Foundations Canada developed a guidebook and toolkit regarding the SDGs, with a focus on effective engagement community engagement tools.
- The Global Sustainable Development Report is a high-level United Nations publication reporting on progress in achieving the goals.
- B1G1’s quick Guide to the Sustainable Development Goals
The Global Compact Network Canada has been spearheading and promoting the SDGs in Canada for the private sector and has released an SDG Emerging Practice Guide.
Databases and/or Open resource libraries
- A database of resources and publications from Harvard University regarding the SDGs.
- A database of resources and publications from Ivey Publications regarding sustainability and the SDGs.
- The SDG Online is an open resource of articles and teaching and learning resources to implement the SDGs.
- The SDG Academy hosts a library of free education resources from the world’s leading experts on sustainable development: case studies, videos, and free open education courses in integrating the SDGs in higher education across a variety of disciplines.
- A video highlighting “Leave no one Behind” that was developed by The Leave No One Behind Partnership and supported by UKaid.
- The Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) designated 14 Centers for Sustainability across the Curriculum from Colleges and Universities across North America, and these Centers provide faculty development workshops in integrating the SDGs. Fleming College is currently the Canadian Centre. AASHE has released a publication aligning the Sustainability Tracking and Assessment Rating System (STARS) with the SDGs and all published reports by colleges and universities.
- Sustainable Development Solutions Canada is a pan-Canadian network of higher education institutions co-hosted by the University of Waterloo and Waterloo Global Science Initiative, with a focus on learning and teaching, research to support Canada’s energy/climate nexus, sustainable cities and life on land/life below water.
- Georgia Tech Institute of Technology is using the SDGs as a framework to implement the strategic plan, advance organizational innovation, unite the institute’s spectrum of responsibilities and strengthen collaboration locally and globally to address challenges of COVID-19. This is demonstrated through the article entitled Georgia Tech Introduces Long-term Initiative to Advance the SDGs.
- University of Waterloo hosts a Sustainability Certificate for all employees of the university, a collaboration between the Sustainability Office and the Organizational and Human Development Department. The certificate includes an overview of the SDGs and builds upon the University’s goal of embedding sustainability actions into campus culture. It recognizes that all employees will have a role in building a sustainable campus.
- The Sustainability Curriculum Consortium is dedicated to pedagogy and innovative approaches to ESD, content building capacity, sharing resources and leadership in understanding the importance of ESD in higher education. There are several available resources and webinars in integrating the SDGs in curriculum.
- The Sustainable Development Goals Alliance is a student-run, community-centered organization at the University of Calgary. Founded in 2017, they work closely with students, clubs, and faculty to provide programs, events, and support for their campus community to raise awareness and action for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
- Impact Alliance at the University of Waterloo and their inaugural event ‘GooseChase’. The aim of the project was to provide the University of Waterloo community with a sense of how the SDGs applied in the everyday lives of the different people on campus.
- The Sustainable Development Student Alliance at Université Laval put on The Sustainable Development Career Day. The event was an opportunity for students to meet companies offering jobs and/or internships involving various sustainable practices.
Other resources
- The Canadian government released a strategy to advance the SDGs in Canada.
- The Sustainability Journal of Record is a publication of AASHE and the spring, 2020 edition highlights case studies in integrating the SDGs in higher education: Sustainability Journal of Record Special Edition on SDGs.
- A white paper publication of the McConnell Foundation highlighting the importance of higher education in advancing sustainability by scaling up their beneficial social impact through collaboration and leveraging their social infrastructure. An appendix includes a compendium of networks.
- Shiel, C., Smith N., Cantarello E. (2020). Aligning campus strategy with the SDGs: an institutional case study. World Sustainability Series, January (2020), 11-27. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-15604_2. This case study regarding an institution that is well regarded for its green credentials highlights how the Sustainable Development Goals can catalyze further engagement around sustainability within curriculum and strategy, as well as some of the key challenges.