3 Student and Community
The Student and Community category includes how student life, extracurricular activities, alumni relations, youth engagement, community and cross-sector partnerships, association connections, global reach and networks, contribute to the progress of the SDGs.
Selkirk College hosts Professional Development Day
Selkirk College – Brirish Columbia, BC
Project: Professional Development for Climate Emotions
SDGs: 3, 13
Project duration: Continuous
Functional Category: Student and Community; Employee Engagement
Selkirk College hosts an annual employee professional development day. The event provides opportunity to engage in conversations, make connections, learn new skills and focus on health and well-being. For the 2023 event, the entire afternoon offered workshops that in some way linked back to climate emotions, such as climate anxiety and ecological grief. The College’s Sustainability Coordinator set the scene for the afternoon by summarizing the findings of two studies of the Selkirk College community which found high levels of climate anxiety.
Employees had the option to attend a forest therapy walk, a nature photography workshop, a session on transformative action, or an interactive workshop on transforming ecological grief.
The afternoon shed light on the strong connections between SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 13 Climate Action.
Contact information: Laura Nessman
Sustainability Coordinator – sustainability@selkirk.ca
SDG-oriented campaign at Nova Scotia Community College
Nova Scotia Community College – Nova Scotia, NS
Project: SDG Spotlight Campaign
SDGs: All
Project duration: September 2022- April 2023
Functional Category: Student and Community
The intent is to build on the momentum of previous campaigns and engage more students in our programming through their new SDG Spotlight Campaign. This campaign focuses heavily on the involvement of students through an assortment of activities that work to educate, inspire and involve students but is also open to staff. A blend of college-wide and campus-specific events will start to build collaboration and communities of practices both on and across the campuses.
The Campaign will feature a different SDG each month throughout the academic year and will create three different engagement opportunities:
- Webinar sessions (College-wide) – promoted as “Lunch and learn” events and will be 45 minutes sessions over the lunch break that will dive into one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sessions will be hosted by the sustainability campaign coordinator and will aim to host a guest speaker from the College to present how NSCC is advancing that SDG. Each webinar a student attends will qualify them for an entry into a draw for a prize, which will be a tuition credit to assist the student with their education costs.
- On-campus events or exhibits (Campus specific) – opportunities for students to engage in person with the campus community. These events will vary in scope and will collaborate with existing NSCC events where possible (Wellness week for example).
- Print resources on the campus sustainability boards (Campus specific)- Campuses will be sent monthly features that can be printed and promoted on the campus sustainability board.
Stakeholders Involved: Faculty, staff
Project Lead: Anna Jessop, Sustainable Development Coordinator, anna.jessop@nscc.ca
Linking the SDGs with the Do-It-Yourself
Green Fair at Bow Valley College
Bow Valley College – Calgary, AB
Project: Do-It-Yourself Green Fair
SDGs: 2 – 3 – 6 – 11 – 12
Project duration: October 9, 2019
Functional Category: Student and Community
This fair evolved out of a “Repair Cafe” we hosted in 2018. The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Green Fair taught practical sustainable skills through interactive booths. We invited six community partners to teach skills such as bike repair, fixing leaky toilets, making green cleaners, and strategies for avoiding food waste. Each booth was linked to a specific Sustainable Development Goal. Instructors brought their classes, and learners who participated in every station were recognized on their LEAD certificate. Students recorded what they learned at each booth on a “passport”, which they submitted to the planning committee for a prize draw. This event was extremely popular and had the highest attendance of all BVC Green events in 2019.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff members, students, partners
Project Lead: Amy Spark, Sustainability Coordinator, aspark@bowvalleycollege.ca, bvcgreen@bowvalleycollege.ca
More info: Sustainability Report 2019 – Section 4.1 Page 13
Centennial College’s SDG Innovation Lab Equips Agents of Change with entrepreneurial skills and opportunities
Centennial College – Toronto, ON
Project: SDG Innovation Lab
SDGs: All
Project duration: November 2019 – Ongoing
Functional Category: Student and community
This annual program aims to develop entrepreneurial skills among youth as agents of social change as well as providing them with lifelong learning and opportunities to implement their own social entrepreneurship initiatives. The lab is rolled out into 5 modules, comprising of workshops, design sprints, flipped classroom, experiential learning incubation cohorts, mentorship, and funding. The modules designed to build on each other and have multiple enrollment opportunities for learning and participation.
Module 1 – SDG Training Boot Camp
Module 2 – SDG Challenge
Module 3 – Tech for SDG Boot Camp
Module 4 – Incubation Experience Program
Module 5 – Investment Readiness-Innovation Program
Stakeholders Involved: Institutional staff, students, partners, local communities, private sector
Project Lead: Lalit Guglani, BTech, MBA, Manager, Scaleup Programs and Services, Centre of Entrepreneurship, lguglani@centennialcollege.ca
Lethbridge College Develops Student Change Agents to Advance the SDGS
Lethbridge College – Lethbridge, AB
Project: Be a Change AgENT
SDGs: All
Project duration: October 2020 – April 2021
Functional Category: Student and Community
Lethbridge College is now offering a 2-part workshop entitled “Be a Change AgENT”. Part 1 is completely online using our learning management system. The students will explore content that defines social innovation/entrepreneurship/enterprise, change making, and the SDGs. The online content encourages students to start thinking about ways they might want to have a positive impact on our campus and in our community. We will have a focus on food systems as the roots of AgENT are in agriculture. Then, we’ll host a 1.5 hour interactive session on Zoom in which the participants will talk about ways they might action their ideas. These students will then progress into the rest of the AgENT programming (online and via Zoom), which teaches them about design thinking and human-centered design and builds their mindset for entrepreneurial action. We hope to actively engage them in project-based work in the winter term. We will also bring in a few inspiring guest speakers via Zoom to encourage change making. It is our goal to inspire students to tackle local opportunities and challenges (campus and community) related to the SDGs.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff members, senior leaders, students, partners, local community, private sector
Project Lead: Megan Shapka, Manager of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, megan.shapka@lethbridgecollege.ca
Durham College Embeds the SDGs into Student Entrepreneurship Programming
Durham College – Oshawa, ON
Project: FastStart SHIFT
SDGs: All
Project duration: November 2019 – ongoing
Functional Category: Student and Community
FastStart SHIFT: This is a social entrepreneurship training program, offered to any Durham College student as an extra-curricular program. We embed an active, measured commitment to the SDGs into our business model for all the SHIFT student clients. FastStart SHIFT has recreated the traditional business approach and turned the classic template into a business model for social entrepreneurship. On the Durham Campus there is a very big appetite for this, as students are worried about the circumstances around them (be it social, environmental, or systemic) and want to make a change. Through FastStart SHIFT, the mission and impact of the business is created first and have a double bottom line – first giving back, second revenue generating. This is all captured within the student’s passion to promote the SDGs throughout their businesses, they must be aligned with a minimum of 2 SDGs that can be positively impacted through their businesses. Through the Enactus Club on campus and their framework – FastStart SHIFT can measure the impact of the business on the SDGs.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff members, senior leaders, students, partners, local community
Project Lead: Lindsey Jeremiah, Manager Entrepreneurship Services, lindsey.jeremiah@durhamcollege.ca
More info: FastStart SHIFT, FastStartDC, 3eehive
Centennial Engages Students with an SDG Speaker Series Focusing on Social Entrepreneurship
Centennial College – Scarborough, ON
Project: SDG Speaker Series
SDGs: All
Project duration: November 2019 – Ongoing
Functional Category: Student and Community & Academic
SDG Speaker Series Regular lectures and Fireside chats from invited subject matter experts or young achievers to share their experience with students and inspire and act as a catalyst to initiate engagement. Participants learn about SDGs, international development, and social entrepreneurship. They meet and interact with other young achievers in this field. Some topics include SDGs and Social Entrepreneurship and meeting and learning from young entrepreneurs.
Stakeholders Involved: Institutional staff, institutional leadership, students, partners, local communities, private sector, others
Project Lead: Lalit Guglani, BTech, MBA, Manager Scaleup Programs and Services. Centre of Entrepreneurship lguglani@centennialcollege.ca
Linking Sustainable Happiness to the UN SDGs at Dawson College
Dawson College – Montreal, QC
Project: Sustainable Happiness Semester Journal
SDGs: All
Project duration: 10 years – starting in 2020
Functional Category: Student and community & Academic
Post-secondary aged youth are a social group too often consumed by uncertainty about their future and inadequate opportunities for personal fulfillment. They are immersed in questions relating to adolescence, to their current relationship with family, their community, and the overall system they live in. Normal adolescent development, the climate crisis, and the transfer from high school to higher education are all known causes of stress. World events in 2020 with COVID-19, social isolation, and current social unrest has added to this already high level of anxiety. Objectives of the Journal include explaining the concept of sustainable happiness and its connection to well-being for all and building awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals by linking the journal questions to the UN goals. The First Year Student Office will offer the Journal to incoming students as a method for students to distance from stress, build a sense of community and break isolation caused by the current COVID situation. The Journal will have all 17 SDG icons on specific pages where students reflecting on questions will relate their responses to one or more of the SDGs. Teachers will then expand on these responses.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff, students, partners
Project Lead: Jenn de Vera, Dawson College Sustainability Office, jdevera@dawsoncollege.qc.ca
More info: Sustainable Happiness Journal
Lethbridge College hires an ImpAct Intern to promote the SDGs on campus
Lethbridge College – Lethbridge, AB
Project: ImpAct Internships
SDGs: All
Project duration: September 2020 – March 2021
Functional Category: Student and community
The Centre for Applied Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship hired a Sustainable Development Goals Ambassador in the fall of 2020 to build awareness of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on the campus. The intern has been tasked to complete and document a scan of SDG-related initiatives; write a report to identify opportunities to advance SDG-related initiatives ; engage with stakeholders across the campus to advance awareness of the SDGs and strengthen relationships; coordinate SDG awareness events and assist the AgENT program coordinator with running the Changemaker workshop, assist with the creation of resources that will raise awareness and increase understanding of the SDGs. Once the work is complete and the report has been finalized it will be presented to the college President, with the ultimate goal to increased buy-in and capacity to promote the SDGs more on our campus for both staff and students.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff, students
Project Lead: Megan Shapka, Manager of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, megan.shapka@lethbridgecollege.ca
John Abbott College Integrates the SGDs on campus
John Abbott College – Montreal, QC
Project: John Abbott College Sustainable Development Goals Awareness Campaign
SDGs: All
Project duration: March 8 – April 20, 2021
Functional Category: Student and community
The Sustainable Development Goals Awareness Campaign was launched by the SDG Working Group at John Abbott College. Made up of both students and staff members, the group is working towards building a campus that reflects the values upheld by the SDGs by collaborating with students, staff, and faculty in order to educate and engage all members of the college and implement the SDGs within the college community.
After an assessment done by the group determined that most students and staff did not know about the SDGs, the group launched a virtual educational campaign through Instagram and the school’s online portal, in order to raise awareness about the goals. Through this, students learned about concrete activities that they could partake in to further each individual goal. For example, for SDG 2, Zero Hunger, the group suggested that students support the campus’ community garden, which supplies the John Abbott food bank with fresh produce. The campaign also involved reaching out to student club leaders and asking them to reflect on how their club activities related to the SDGs.
To close off the campaign, Professor Charles Hopkins, the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability, was invited to talk to the college community about the role of higher education institutions in the adoption of the SDGs. This shed light on how students, staff and faculty could help the adoption of the SDGs at our college. Concurrently, students were encouraged to participate in the Earth Month Eco-Challenge during the month of April, a solutions-oriented engagement program encourages individuals to take action to reduce greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. This increased student engagement in sustainable activities and facilitated discussions about the SDGs. Following the completion of this campaign, the group continues to work on further integrating the SDGs into campus culture, curricula and facilities.
Stakeholders Involved: Institutional staff, students
Project Leads: Shannon Coulter-Low, Sustainability & Social Entrepreneurship counsellor (Shannon.coulter-low@johnabbott.qc.ca), Ronnie Dorsnie (Ronnie.dorsnie@johnabbott.qc.ca) and Melissa Tomecz (Melissa.tomecz@johnabbott.qc.ca)
Additional Information: @sdg_jac
Citizenship Week organized jointly by faculty and student services at Cégep du Vieux Montreal
Cégep du Vieux Montréal – Montreal, QC
Project: Citizenship Week: For a different world
SDGs: All
Project duration: April 12 – 16, 2021
Functional Category: Student and community
Cégep du Vieux Montréal recognizes the importance of working towards real solutions to address current environmental issues. As part of Citizenship Week, the college community was invited to reflect on the urgency of changing the trajectory of our accelerating environmental degradation and how to avoid the disastrous consequences of exceeding the planet’s limits. The week offered a variety of activities listed in the calendar of events that had a positive impact on the college environment. Numerous speakers were convened on the theme of ecology and addressed topics related to caring for nature, current environmental issues, the consequences of inaction and possible solutions, and policy responses to climate issues. Upon reading the programming, the community was able to know which SDO each of the conferences were about by the presence of the different labels.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff members, institution’s president/executive director (senior management), students
Project Lead: Myriam Lefebvre, Attachée d’administration en environnent, mlefebvre2@cvm.qc.ca
Seneca Students Make an Impact on Sustainable Development
Seneca College – Markham, ON
Project Name: Seneca takes their SDG Training virtual in 2021
SDGs: All
Project Duration Feb 27 – March 1, 2021
Functional Category: Student and community
Seneca’s International Mobility office, in partnership with the Foundation for Environmental Stewardship (FES), has been offering SDGs training as part of its annual International Development Week activities since 2018. With the shift to online learning, the 2021 program was transformed into a two-part, three-day virtual training with a newly added case competition. The event’s aim was to educate and challenge Seneca students to act by devising solutions for Seneca’s future sustainability plans, addressing the role Seneca can play to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
More than 250 students, faculty and staff engaged in the virtual training and case competition from across Seneca campuses and academic programs. The three day training provided students with knowledge and understanding of the SDGs and brought awareness to the history and structure of sustainable development, the SDGs, their targets and indicators, and many advocacy examples around the world including the experience of a UN official in transforming their organization towards the SDGs. Students also developed and strengthened their skills through a workshop focused on action, planning a community-organizing model to transform ideation into action. A moderated panel discussion further engaged participants on the role of higher education in sustainable development.
Stakeholders Involved: Institutional Staff, Students, External Partners
Additional Information: Students make an impact on sustainable development.
Project Lead: Ashley Laracy, Manager, Education Abroad ashley.laracy@senecacollege.ca
Nova Scotia Community College hires an ImpAct Intern
Nova Scotia Community College – Nova Scotia
Project: NSCC ImpAct SDG intern
SDGs: All
Project Duration: October 2020 – February 2021
Functional Category: Student and community
As part of the ImpAct Internships funding provided by CICan, Nova Scotia Community College was able to hire an ImpAct intern for 5 months to work on SDG promotion and implementation on their campuses. This internship was unique and allowed the intern to work within two departments of the college – Facilities and Entrepreneurship. The intern was able to provide SDG content in newsletters, on the website and developed 17 SDG of the month fact sheets that are sent out to all NSCC Faculty and staff to tie the SDGs to the local community. The ImpAct intern also provided editing support for the ImpAct Social Entrepreneurship Project working group highlighting different social enterprises in Canada and tying their work to the advancement of the SDGs and Canada’s 2030 Agenda.
Stakeholders Involved: Institution Staff, Students, Senior Leadership
Project Lead
Sheri Williams – Manager, NSCC Entrepreneurship –sheri.williams@nscc.ca
Michael Chapman – Manager Infrastructure and Environmental Stewardship – michael.champan@ncss.ca

Linking the SDGs to Activities at John Abbott College
John Abbott College – Quebec
Project Title: SDGs Card and SDG Zen Zone at John Abbott College
SDGs: All
Project duration: Fall 2021 – Ongoing
Functional Category: Student and Community, Academic
In an effort to improve SDG literacy and integrate the Goals into John Abbott College’s activities, SDG icon posters were printed for display at events, workshops, bake sales and other initiatives within the school. Students and staff can borrow the 1×1 foot posters featuring the icons that connect to their initiative. For example, a bake sale hosted by students to raise money for purchasing pollinator-friendly plants featured SDG 15 “Life on Land” and SDG 13 “Climate Action.” By connecting one or more SDGs to their project, the organizers are able to make a clear statement about how they are contributing to a positive cause for people and planet. It can also help for students to feel connected to the global movement for well-being for all.
Signage indicating sustainability installations at the college was also produced, in order to draw a connection between the school’s initiatives and the SDGs. For example, a poster was created for the “Zen Zone,” a new student lounge on campus. The poster features SDG 3 “Good Health and Well-Being.” The lounge was designed to encourage relaxation and quiet studying, and draws on the concept of biophilic design with the installation of a green wall and numerous potted plants.
Stakeholders Involved:
Staff members, senior leaders, students,
Lead: Shannon Coulter-Low Student Life Counsellor | Sustainability & Social Entrepreneurship,
Engaging Selkirk College campus and the local community with SDG-themed Global Goals Week event.
Selkirk College – British Columbia
Project: Global Goals Week
SDGs: All
Project duration: February 22 – 26, 2021
Functional Category: Student and Community
Global Goals Week was an opportunity for students and staff at Selkirk College along with the surrounding community to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals and discover how to work towards them at a personal and local level. The event featured six speakers who presented different SDG-related topics. The topics were, Climate Change & Health, Local initiatives and how to get involved, SDG 101: An introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals, 100% Renewable Energy: 100% possible, while costing less, My Journey with the SDGs, and Peace and Sustainability: How Doukhobor history, culture, and community connects to the Sustainable Development Goals. The speakers provided positive, solution-based perspectives and offered resources for attendees to work towards the SDGs in their own lives. In addition to the speakers, Global Goals Week featured an online SDG quiz, offered a short SDG workshop to classes, and highlighted existing Selkirk initiatives that were contributing to a Global Goal.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff, students, local community
Project Lead: Laura Nessman (Sustainability Coordinator) and Nicola Herman (SDG Ambassador Intern)
Connecting Selkirk’s initiatives with the SDGs through an Esri Story Map project
Selkirk College – British Columbia
Project: Selkirk & the SDGs Story Map
SDGs: All
Project duration: Continuous
Functional Category: Student and Community
In an effort to share SDG-related initiatives, Selkirk College’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals were archived in a Story Map webpage. This webpage is to be used as a ‘living’ resource for SDG actions at Selkirk. It will be updated as new initiatives are developed, as projects change, and as new items are suggested. The resource is interactive and features PDF reports, maps, quizzes, hyperlinks, videos, and photos. It is structured by featuring a contribution for each SDG as well as a list of further contributions. This project aims to help the campus community, as well as our broader community see where College initiatives fit within the SDG framework, and in turn aims to support further work towards the SDGs.
Stakeholders Involved: Staff, students, local community
Project Lead: Laura Nessman (Sustainability Coordinator) and Nicola Herman (SDG Intern)
More info: The Selkirk & the SDGs Story Map