

A practical guide to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in post-secondary institutions

Colleges and Institutes Canada with the support of Employment and Social Development Canada are assessing the level of awareness and integration of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  in our member institutions.

The purpose of this inventory is to identify emerging practices in post-secondary settings across Canada that integrate the SDGs explicitly and to curate a selection of these into an Open Educational Resource (OER) toolkit and guide to the SDGs for Canadian colleges and institutes. Each of the practices submitted will be grouped into categories by institutional department and a representative selection will be included in the first version of the SDG Toolkit for Canadian Colleges and Institutes.

The guide will be made available on our website and available for download by any member institution staff or student.  While the toolkit is intended to support our members in taking advantage of the opportunity presented by the SDGs, it will be available to anyone who accesses our website.

We would like to acknowledge that Colleges and Institutes Canada is located on the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin people. Traditionally known as “Anishinabe”, Algonquin people are the original inhabitants of the wide swath of territory along the Ottawa River. With this tradition in mind, Colleges and Institutes Canada respectfully thanks the Algonquin people for hosting us on their ancestral lands. Meegwetch (thank you).


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