Book Title: Mastering Strategic Management: NSCC Edition

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Book Description: NSCC Mastering Strategic Management>
Mastering Strategic Management is designed to enhance student engagement in innovative ways.
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Book Description
Teaching strategic management classes can be a very difficult challenge for professors. In most business schools, strategic management is a “capstone” course that requires students to draw on insights from various functional courses they have completed (such as marketing, finance, and accounting) to understand how top executives make the strategic decisions that drive whether organizations succeed or fail. Many students have very little experience with major organizational choices. This undermines many students’ engagement in the course.
Our book is designed to enhance student engagement. A good product in any industry matches what customers want and need, and the textbook industry is no exception.
Book Source
This book is a cloned version of Mastering Strategic Management - 1st Canadian Edition by Janice Edwards, published using Pressbooks by BCcampus under a CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) license. It may differ from the original.
Mastering Strategic Management: NSCC Edition Copyright © 2014 by Janice Edwards is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Business and Management