
Module 13: Writing the Plan – the Proposal

Module Overview

Welcome to Module 13. You are now armed with all you need to write your proposal and to implement you plan. In this module you will be given detailed instructions as to what your proposal will look like. Now is the time to also get all your planning sheets together, as you should have all 8 back from your instructor.


Module Outline

  • 13.1. Overview of the Plan
  • 13.2. Proposal Template


Module Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the structure of your behavior modification plan.
  • Create your behavior modification plan using the eight planning sheets.


13.1. Overview of the Plan


Section Learning Objectives

  • Identify the main sections of the behavior modification plan and what is included in each.


The Proposal will have seven main sections and the Appendices (all are required):

  1. Target Behavior – In this section you will state your target behavior, whether it is an excess or a deficit, the pros and cons of changing and maintaining, and how successful you feel you will be with achieving your goal. You will use Planning Sheets 1 and 2 for this section.
  2. Behavioral Definition and Goals – In this section you will state the behavioral definition, your goals and behavior counts, and the criterion to move from one goal to the next. You will use Planning Sheet 3 when writing this section.
  3. Recording Method – In this section you will state how you will record your behaviors, antecedents, and consequences, and what cues or people you will use to help you to remember. A description of the ABC chart and your journal will be included. You will use Planning Sheet 4 to complete this section.
  4. The Functional Assessment – Before completing this proposal you practiced your data collection during your baseline phase. You also took detailed observations about your behavior, any antecedents that caused it, and consequences for making the behavior. Likewise, you did this when you engaged in the undesirable behavior instead. Planning Sheet 4 asked you to analyze what you learned, and you will now share that information here.
  5. Self-Management Strategies Utilized – In this section you will describe the various strategies you will use. You will use Planning Sheets 5 and 6 along with the three token economy tables in 5.
  6. Temptations and Mistakes – In this section you will describe the types of mistakes, temptations, and situations, things, and places/environments you might encounter which will make completion of your plan challenging. You will use Planning Sheet 7 to write this section.
  7. Plan Rules and Behavioral Contract – In the final section, you will outline many of the rules used in this plan and describe your behavioral contract. You will use Planning Sheet 8 to do this.
  • Appendices:
    • o Appendix 1. Behavioral Contract – Use Planning Sheet 8
    • o Appendix 2. Token Economy Tables – Use Planning Sheet 5.
    • o Appendix 3. Baseline ABC Charts – Use Planning Sheet 4.
    • o Appendix 4. Baseline Summary Table – Use Planning Sheet 4.
    • o Appendix 5: Plan Rules – Use Planning Sheet 8


13.2. Proposal Template

Section Learning Objectives

  • Compose your behavior modification plan proposal using the template.


13.2.1. Proposal Words of Advice

  1. Have all 8 planning sheets handy when starting work on this document. It is best to have your Word versions and not hard copies as in many cases, you can copy and paste directly from the planning sheet into the template.
  2. I have formatted this template in proper APA format in most sections. Do not change anything but if you have to write some material on your own, follow the same format.
  3. You should not need a reference section for this paper, or any in-text citations.
  4. Proofread your work. I will deduct for grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
  5. Read the instructions and guidance in each section carefully. Ask questions if you become confused.


Please use the MS Word and PDF versions of the proposal template below as it will be easier to view than in this webpage.

Attached are Word and PDF files for the Proposal and a PDF version of the Rubric.


Module Recap

In Module 13, we described how to write the plan proposal. At this time, you are likely working on it or have submitted and are awaiting feedback. Please be patient. This will take some time for your instructor to grade but since much of the work came from the previously submitted and approved planning sheets, it should not take too long. You only had to do a little bit of new writing in this proposal. Your instructor may require you to resubmit the planning sheets too. Be sure you have them handy and check his/her instructions.

Our next step is to implement the plan and that will be discussed briefly in Module 14.


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Principles of Behavior Analysis and Modification Copyright © 2020 by Lee W. Daffin Jr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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