
One of the original authors, Stephen J. Skripak, dedicated this book to reducing the cost of education in business.

eCampusOntario, sponsor of the Canadian edition, dedicates this book to adventurous Ontario instructors of business exploring open resources and committing to saving students money. eCampusOntario and your colleagues from Lambton, Conestoga, and Fanshawe colleges are hopeful the updates to this book and its attention to Ontario standards and Canadian content make Business Fundamemtals a valuable addition to your course.

If you adopt this book, as a core or supplemental resource, please report your adoption in order for us to celebrate your support of students’ savings. Report your commitment at www.openlibrary.ecampusontario.ca.

We invite you to further adapt this book to meet you and your students’ needs. Please let us know if you do! If you would like to use Pressbooks, the platform used to make this book, contact eCampusOntario for an account using open@ecampusontario.ca.

If this text does not meet your needs, please check out our other adaptation, Communication for Business Professionals. Use, mix, match, and/or extend them with other, open business materials to customize your learning materials.

An textbook, opened, with 7 arrows jumping out of the textbook. showing all the different ways to use open textbooks: read in print, read online, read on tablet, read on computer, adapt, collaborate to adopt, and use in class.
Open textbooks by Giulia Forsythe licensed CC BY | flickr


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Fundamentals of Business: Canadian Edition Copyright © 2018 (Canadian Edition) by Pamplin College of Business and Virgina Tech Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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