
Study Guide: Introduction and Prenatal Development

Introduction to Lifespan, Theories and Research, Beginnings (Lessons 1-3)

1. Describe the study of human development.
2. Distinguish between physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development.
3. What are the stages of the lifespan? Describe these.
4. What is meant by social class?
5. What is a cohort?
6. How might social class impact a person’s life chances?
7. Compare research methods noting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
8. What is confirmation bias and sampling bias?
9. Distinguish between independent and dependent variables.
10. Explain the conditions for establishing cause and effect relationships between variables.
11. Define theory.
12. Discuss in detail Freud’s theory of psychosexual development. Also explain the parts of the self, defense mechanisms, and fixation.
13. Describe Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development.
14. Who is the father of developmental psychology?
15. Explain classical and operant conditioning principles. Which names would you associate with each?
16. Describe social learning theory including the concept of modeling.
17. Explain Piaget’s theory of cognitive development including the concepts of schema, assimilation, accommodation, cognitive equilibrium and the stages of intelligence.
18. Explain sociocultural theory of cognitive development.
19. Explain the ecological-systems approach to development.
20. What is the difference between genes and chromosomes? How do gametes differ from other normal human cells?
21. What determines the sex of the child?
22. Define polygenic and multifactorial.
23. Distinguish between dizygotic and monozygotic twins.
24. What is the difference between genetic and chromosomal abnormalities? List and describe some more common chromosomal abnormalities.
25. What happens during conception? Distinguish between the zygotic (germinal), embryonic, and fetal periods of development. Give details.
26. What is the age of viability? When is it?
27. Discuss some of the problems facing newborns. What is the APGAR?
28. Discuss some of the complications of pregnancy as well as a normal delivery.
29. Characterize approaches to childbirth and a normal birth process.
30. What are teratogens? Give examples.
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