
22 Emergency Mitigation Checklist

Emergency Mitigation Checklist[1]

Issue Yes No Steps to Mitigate Risk
Large appliances (refrigerators):braced to wall? Large appliances should be anchored to wall studs or masonry, not drywall.
Cabinets: braced to wall? Cabinets should be anchored to the wall studs or masonry, not drywall.
Shelves/bookshelves:braced to wall? Shelves/bookshelves should be anchored to wall studs or masonry, not drywall.
Dressers: braced to wall? Dressers should be anchored to wall studs or masonry, not drywall.
Changing tables: braced to wall? Changing tables should be anchored to wall studs or masonry, not drywall
Blackboards/projection screens/televisions: safely hung on a stud? Make sure that blackboards/projection screens/televisions are secured safely to a stud.
Fish bowls/animal habitats: safely secured so they do not slide off shelves? If you have fish bowls/animal habitats, ensure that the shelve has a lip to prevent the bowls/habitats from slide off and injuring the animal and/or children.
Fire extinguishers: mounted to wall? Make sure that fire extinguishers are mounted to the wall using clips that make them easy to take down and use in case of a fire.
Lamps: safely secured so they do not slide off shelves? Secure lamps with hooks or earthquake putty.
Pictures: braced to wall or safely secured so they do not slide off shelves? Use closed hooks or earthquake putty to secure pictures to walls.
Lightweight or tall room dividers: braced by interconnecting them? Move heavier items to lower shelves.
Exit signs and emergency lights: safely secured and functioning? Lightweight room dividers are safer in case of emergency. Interconnecting them will help brace them.
Chemicals and/or cleaning products: secured in cabinet? For Centers, check that exit signs and emergency lights are working and can be seen from the hallway. For Child Care Homes, check that exit signs and emergency lights are working and are placed above the exits where it can easily be seen
Blocks and heavy objects: stored on lowest shelves? Use baby-proof cabinet locks to secure cabinet doors to prevent chemicals and/or cleaning products from falling out. Alternatively, use latching cleaning cabinets to hold chemicals and/or cleaning products. Remember to brace all cabinets on wall!
Heavy or sharp items (such asmetal trucks or dollhouses): stored on shelves with ledge barriers’? Store blocks and other heavy objects on the lowest shelves to prevent injuries.
Store heavy or sharp items on shelves with ledge barriers to prevent injuries from falling objects.

  1. National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. (2020). What Is Mitigation? in Emergency Preparedness Manual for Early Childhood Programs. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/emergency-preparedness-manual-early-childhood-programs.pdf


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