
10. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
check convent
shell subject
hex shem
chest fet
help tesh
mesh fezz
left wheg
pelt chep
less nass
deck reff
chess eck
rent trem
object pesh
invent resh
  1. Ted had a pet frog, Jeb.
  2. Ted kept Jeb in a pen.
  3. The pen had wet moss.
  4. Ted went to get Jeb.
  5. Jeb was not in the pen.
  6. Jeb had sat on the TV.
  7. What a pest this Jeb was.
  8. Ted went to get a net.
  9. He got Jeb in the net.
  10. He got Jeb back in the pen.
List 2
patch Dutch
retch latch
ditch rutch
botch kitch
notch lutch
catch netch
batch votch
match metch
hitch fitch
  1. Did you like the sketch that Jane did of the duck?
  2. Toss the ball and the dog will fetch it back.
  3. There is ham left if you check on the hutch.
List 3
mun____ quen____
lun____ bun____
ben____ ske____
re____ pi____
win____ zil____
con____ bel____
pa____ hun____
pin____ fin____
  1. The next tennis match will be with the French and the Dutch.
  2. The stench on the rug in the hall is bad.
  3. Jack will dig a trench on this path.

Review Words

kelp dunk
fetch bash
lent munch
mess cuss
hatch notch
itch contest
keg Ketchup
mock expel
milk expect
bunch tandem
rust sudden
fog mascot
fuss Windex

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Short e (ě); tch, ch-tch Spelling Generalization

In this lesson, we learned the sounds associated with the following letters.


e – edge /ĕ/

Trigraph – Three letters – one sound.

tch – witch /ch/

We also learned the ch-tch Spelling Generalization – use tch to spell the /ch/ sound after a short vowel in a one syllable word.

Examples:  match, fetch, pitch, botch, clutch


  1. Use ch or tch to complete the spelling of each word.
    fĕ____ hă____
    ĭ____ bun____
    mul____ nŏ____
  2. Mark the vowels with a V.  Mark the consonants with a C.  What syllable pattern do you see? Show where the syllables divide. Read the word.

convent    con vent


contest sudden
insect problem
expel Windex
expect mascot


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Reading Essentials 1 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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