
15. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
admire reptile
frustrate dispute
cascade mescute
inflate renfrete
empire sambede
explode dabbole
athlete muspreme
ignite lindibe
dictate oxblame
textile sudbrone
inhale trembrike
vampire emshine
  1. The extreme cold sent the entire class inside.
  2. They had to use their old slates to compute the complete, complex problem.
  3. With an influx of classmates, there was not a spare inch to store the texts.
  4. The children want to get stuck in the sandbox from sunshine to sunset.
  5. The nitwit went offside and so they lost that score.
  6. If the hillside is not shipshape, there could be a bad landslide.
List 2
stalemate homesick
fireman takeoff
nickname lifeline
update homeland
pipeline makeshift
sidekick gravestone
shoreline homemade
  1. The linemen made a stockpile of all the spikes from the pit.
  2. The muskrat could not be put in the same pen with the livestock.
  3. They will infill the inlet with a makeshift offshore rig.
  4. Beth could collect five firebugs with one swish of the fishnet backpack.
  5. Spareribs are the best if they are hot and come with a dip.
  6. Expect to be on the sideline until you get more skills.

Review Words

Cleveland cascade
enshrine textile
dispute stagnate
inside hostile
vanquish billfold
enthrall truncate
humdrum intake
empire ignite

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




VC/V-e, V-e/CV, compound words

In this lesson, we learned the following syllable division patterns.

  • VC/VCe – when we see the VC/VCe pattern in a word, the syllables will divide between the consonants.

Examples: cas/cade, dis/pute

  • VCe/CV – when we see the v-e/cv pattern in a word, the syllable will divide between the e and the consonant.

Examples: line/men, fire/bug

We also learned about compound words. A compound word is two words that combine to form a new word. Examples:  makeshift, baseball, into


  1. Is it k or ck?
flas____  brā____e  shă____
  1. Is it c or k?
__omplex s__inflint s__ruff
  1. Is it f or ff?
so____t pŭ____ whĭ___
  1. Is it ch or tch?
fĕ____ bun____  swĭ____
  1. Are these words nouns or verbs?
    Word Noun Verb


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Reading Essentials 1 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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