
25. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
try cly
shy stry
fry fy
ply zy
my gly
sty ny
by bry
dry sply
  1. My friend is flying in to be with me for a while and I should pick her up by ten a.m.
  2. Do you want to fry the fish we catch, or do you want to stuff and bake them?
  3. Flo is trying to pry the lid off that can so she can get to the tacks inside.
List 2
dandy quelty
nifty phafty
pansy sulty
flimsy clesty
anchovy grundy
puny hosly
sentry mifty
nasty tresty
  1. Peggy went to the rugby game by the lake with her friend Ivy.
  2. Jenny will try to spend plenty of time with her friend Betty while she is here.
  3. Take care! That flimsy lamp could fall and smash!
  4. Call me crazy, but I love to have anchovy bits on top of my eggs.
  5. My friend Sally wants to occupy the old Fry Clan home as long as she can.
  6. What I am trying to tell you is that is a zany plan that will not fly!

Review Words

murky skimped
baby mentioning
envy unjust
Emmy potion
sty rejected
plucked protracted
scratching contemplate
stenches detentions
banged cry

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Vowel y (ῑ,ē), Spelling y generalization


y – fly – /ī/ – Vowel y says ī at the end of a 1 syllable word or a short syllable.  Examples:  by, shy, fry

y – candy – /ē/ – Vowel y says ē at the end of a word with more than 1 syllable. Examples: envy, lady, dandy


  1. What type of syllable? Place a checkmark in the correct column.
Word Open Closed VCe
  1. Circle the suffix. Mark the vowels with a V. Mark the consonant(s) with a C.  What syllable pattern do you see? Divide the syllables. Does the vowel in the first syllable have a long or a short sound? Read the word.
    mentioning investions
    unjust protracted
    potion detentions
    scratching stenches


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