
31. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
Marvin stork
barnyard harnesses
darting patterns
marshes gardening
morbid first
forgot skirt
cyborg twirl
hormornes squirm
fermented hurl
version turn
hermits chirp
jerked further
  1. The dress was torn on the arm, so I chose not to buy it.
  2. Can you hand me that fork and I will check the kernels on the corn?
  3. My partner and I will enter the QE2 contest in the hopes that we will win a car!
  4. I get thirsty when working in the garden planting spring bulbs in the dirt.
  5. Did Burt mention there are rules to go by to disburse the surplus funds?
  6. The foreman on this job told me to stack the lumber next to the shed in the yard.
  7. The cell phone call confirmed that the information was correct.
  8. Be sure not to harm yourself when you pick up that shard of glass.
  9. Mandy is an emergency nurse at the Cancer and Burn Unit.
List 2
  1. Did you remember to put change in the meter when you parked the car?
  2. Some people think that if they flatter you, they can get you to do anything.
  3. This cluster of buds belongs to her prize aster plant.
  4. The former boss at the diner was quite strict and had a wicked temper.
List 3
twely_____ discriptiv_____
duls_____ corps_____
involv_____ impuls_____
activ_____ respons_____
captiv_____ codens_____
destructiv_____ intens_____

Find words with the job of e. Which words have silent e making the vowel sound long? Which words have the silent e after an s, v, or z? 

  1. Shelve the five boxes of dulse with the dates to expire on top.
  2. It is a festive dress-up date and the classes will spend the next six lunchtimes to get set.
  3. Miss Ponse can solve twelve problems that involve a lot of complex math.

Review Words

ember irks
berth depressing
armed hormone
garment placemat
cinder impressing
enforce chirping
dense swerve
flustered reports
cyclone ginger
gyrate tempered
digested tormenting
first artists

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




r-controlled, ar, or, er, ir, ur, se/ve/ze

In this lesson, we learned the R-controlled Syllable Type.

It is identified by a single vowel is followed by an r. The vowel sound is controlled by the ‘r.’

R-controlled Syllables

  • ar – car – /ar/
  • or – horn – /or/
  • er – her /er/
  • ir – bird /er/
  • ur – burn /er/

We also learned the ve/se/ze Spelling Pattern Generalization.

An /s/, /v/ and /z/ is spelled with se, ve, and ze at the end of words. This is a job of e. No English word ends in v or z and only a few irregular words (like was) ends in s.

Examples:  horse, serve, blaze


  1. Complete the following in each of the words below.
  • Circle the suffix.
  • Place each syllable in the correct column.
Word Open Closed VCe R-controlled
  1. Circle the ar, or, er, ir or ur in each word. Read the words.
    ember flustered
    birth swerve
    armed reports
    garment ginger
    cinder tormenting
    nurse artists
  2. Add the ‘e at the end of these words:
    starv____ nerv____
    bronz____ dispens____


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