
39. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
warp quartz
ward quartet
quarry swarm
quart rewarded
List 2
  1. If you want your plate warmed up you can put it in the microwave.
  2. The number of storms we had this winter made it one of the worst.
  3. The candy costs five cents for two or a quarter for twenty-five.
List 3
burp__ dad__
bump__ pup__
fuzz__ jump__
mud__ pepper
star__ trend__
slipper__ word__

Find where suffix y was used to make nouns. Find where suffix y was used to make adjectives.

  1. It was a busy time for Cody because she had to help with the birth of the fluffy puppy.
  2. Then she and her best friend, Burty, wore the same kind of frilly shirt to the party but no one called them silly.
  3. Cody felt that she was lucky to have such a nice best friend.
  4. Cody and Burty went to the next party where some man was too flirty with them.
  5. They’d had a warning and so they sent this bratty man packing!
  6. Afterwards, Cody and Burty went to find a fizzy drink in the Scottish quarter.
  7. They’ll remember this funny time for a long while!
List 4
hot bland
cold mad
glib harsh
smart tame
grand even

What verb is the adverb with suffix ly describing?

  1. They’ll openly forgive their boss who had been so angry for the entire late shift.
  2. The boss was embarrassed by how he had yelled so gruffly.
  3. So the next shift, the boss met the staff warmly and spoke softly to them all.
  4. They quickly presented their boss with a gift of freshly made pork dumplings.
  5. Afterwards, this workplace became a place of nicely mannered workers.

Review Words

madly smashingly
shortly decline
hotly worldwide
unworthy formation
quarry sequence
gingery pensive
quartz snappy
comprehension bless
suspension perplexed
comforting vetch
retorted dimmer
concave drafty

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




chunks war/quar, wor, suffix y, suffix ly

In this lesson, we learned three new chunks. A chunk is a vowel followed by one or two consonants which makes the vowel sound impure. They are the blue cards in our card deck.


  • war- warm – /wor/
  • quar – quarter /kwor/
  • wor – word – /wer/

We also learned two new suffixes. Remember, a suffix is added to the end of a base word and changes the meaning or function of the base word.


Vowel suffix y – salty – /ē/ – Means full of or dear one, makes nouns. Suffix y is a vowel suffix.

Examples:  dirty, funny

Suffix ly – softly – /lē/ – Makes adverbs which are words that describe verbs.

Examples:  mostly, softly


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Reading Essentials 1 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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