
40. End of Course Review

  1. Complete the following in each of the words below.
    1. Underline the suffix.
    2. Divide the syllables.
    3. State the syllable type of the first syllable, or the only syllable if it is a one syllable word.
      C – closed; VCe – Vowel Consonant e; O – Open; R – R-controlled
Example: pam per ed – C
consent milkshake
expert spry
bicep pantry
torrent perform
  1. Underline the sound of g in each of these words.
    1. pungent – /g/ or /j/?
    2. gyroscope – /g/ or /j/?
    3. gigantic – /g/ or /j/?
  2. Underline the sound of c in each of these words?
    1. clergy – /k/ or /s/?
    2. cummerbund -/k/ or /s/?
    3. decide – /k/ or /s/?
  3. Complete the spelling of each of these words.
    1. k or ck?
      kĭ___ fun___ fun___
    2. ge or dge?
      dŏ____ splur_____
    3. c or k?
      ____atch _____ick
    4. ch or tch?
      fĕ____ crun____
  4. Underline the chunk in each of these words.
flunk  wild child
most quartz
mink oblong
Hong Kong worldly
  1. Underline the suffix in each of these words. What does the suffix mean?
    1. lucky
    2. deciphered
    3. corrupted
    4. glummest
    5. expertly
    6. forecaster
    7. blender
    8. depiction
  2. Place an X for the job of e in each of these words. If there is more than one job of e, place an X in each column.
Word VCe Soft c Soft g ve/se/ze
  1. Complete the spelling of each words below.
sun + y =
swing + ing =
sway + ed =
readmit + ed =
stop + ed =
skate + s =
bid + ing =
fret + s =



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