
6. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
cash fish
Chad whip
bash finch
dish thiff
path pash
shall sath
sash pith
thin fash
bath fith
whizz mish
    1. Stash it in the bag.
    2. the chimp at the cliff
    3. Bill had a strip of thin plastic.
    4. Did the staff grin at the chap?
    5. the chip in that dish
    6. Did you chat with Jim?
    7. Is that a fish in the pond?
    8. Jill had a bash with the cash.
List 2
Sam panch
Jan zam
Cam famp
ram chand
ran vam
sham gan
lam pincamp
dam han
ranch cham
frantic shanch
bandit zan
  1. The man can sit in the van.
  2. Jam the ham in the pan.
  3. Pam said Jan had a catnap.
  4. It is a fantastic brand.
List 3
call thall
bold vold
fall whall
cold nold
wall nall
fold zall
hold dold
pall whold
mold chold
hall jall
pinball zold
  1. Bill will ransack the cold, small ship.
  2. Sold, to the man with the tan van!
  3. Bill had a lot of gall.
  4. The traffic ran up to the old mall.

Review Words

sham bandit
whim fabric
champ thish
whizz chizz
sill hanch
call whash
bold vold
whiplash famp
thrift zall
tamp bimtanch
dimwit shash
victim jall
bat pagnold

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh); Chunks (an, am, all, old)

In this lesson, we reviewed the following diagraphs.

Digraph: two letters, one sound

ch – chin – /ch/
sh – ship – /sh/
th – thin – /th/
wh – whistle – /w/

In this lesson we learned the following chunks.

Chunk: sometimes begins with a vowel and changes the sound of the vowel. Chunks are on blue cards in the sound deck.

an – ant – /an/
am – ham – /am/
all – ball – /ŏl/
old – gold – /ōld/


In each word, mark the vowels with a V and the consonants with a C. Show where the syllables divide.

whiplash pinbold
dimwit bimtanch
victim pagnold
Fitbit lamfan
bandit zinham
fabric chimzap

Counting Letters/Sounds


Count the number of letters in each word and record. Why is there a difference? f, l, s, z (floss spelling generalization) or consonant digraph (ch, sh, th, wh)?

Example: lass 4 letters 3 sounds
ship letters sounds
rich letters sounds
chap letters sounds
thin letters sounds
twist letters sounds
whiff letters sounds
slash letters sounds
pill letters sounds
whip letters sounds



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Reading Essentials 1 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.