
9. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
buzz Dublin
lush public
tub chun
shut shub
hush muzz
huff vut
punch lupbug
sun huss
sub shull
bunch duss
cut humzug
mush tuss
cut chut
possum fush
  1. Hush up! Do not fuss.
  2. Suck it up!
  3. Jim has a bug in his cap.
  4. There was a big fuss and hubbub in the shop.
List 2
pack shuck
yack lack
puck shick
luck skick
rock nuck
shock thack
jack huck
quack vock
wick thuck
hack jick
  1. Dan would like you to rack up the balls.
  2. It is a big task and with any luck it can be done.
  3. The tall ship cannot fit into the dock.
  4. Sam said that he is sick, and he would ask that you tuck him in.
List 3
chu____ bul____
lo____ cli____
ba____ sul____
wha____ so____
mas____ thi____
sha____ dis____
  1. Did Jack slop black dots on all the rust bits of the truck?
  2. Fran got a rash on the skin at the back from the cloth.
  3. Mack will bask in the sun to suntan until it is too hot.
List 4
____ot s____rap
____ilt ____op
____ap ____lan
____iss s____it
____ut ____rack
____amp ____ub
____in s____ill
  1. The man from the clan on the hill had a kilt on.
  2. Some of us did not have much skill and got scabs from cuts.
  3. The big cactus cost a lot of cash and Jan had to skip the two small ones.

Review Words

lunch chuck
rum yum
dump fold
rust squint
filth scam
quit skiff
shock jot
last lush
bilk lint
bulk loss
back fall
risk chick
disgust submit

What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Short u (ŭ); ck, k-ck, Cat Rule

In this lesson, we learned the sounds associated with the following letters.


u – up – /ŭ/


ck – black – /k/

We also learned two spelling generalizations.

The Cat/Kite Spelling Generalization – use c to spell the /k/ sound when followed by: a, o, u, or the consonants l or r.  Use k to spell the /k/ sound when followed by e or i.

Examples: cat, cop, cut, clip, crib. kit, kelp

k-ck Spelling Generalization – use ck to spell the /k/ sound right after a short vowel in a one syllable word. Examples:   back, check, click,  sock, puck


Use c, k, or ck to complete the spelling of each word.

____help _____eg
mŏ____ s____it
____uss chĕ____


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Reading Essentials 1 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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