
3. Word Lists and Sentences

List 1
kid fit
bib rid
pit rip
lip tip
zip pib
vim jid
nip rit
sit vid
hip wid
bit dit
dip sig
lid pid
  1. Tip the lad.
  2. The bat is in the pit.
  3. Is it a fib?
  4. The rig is big.Page Break
List 2
wil___ jaz___
sas___ bif___
mif___ nif___
fiz___ pas___
stil___ sil___
nif___ paz___
vil___ cas___
sif___ ras___
biz___ vis___
  1. Sit at the mill.
  2. Jill will fill the bag.
  3. a jazz riff
  4. sass the lass

Review Words

bill pass
hiss trill
lass spill
spat scrap
print liff
zap nass
fill ziff
razz cazz
dill vill

Lesson 3 What Says?

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Spelling and Sentence Dictation

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.




Short i (ĭ) ; d, g, l, n, r, s, v, w, z, ff, ll, ss, zz

In this lesson, we learned the sounds associated with the following letters. Repeat each sound aloud and listen carefully to ensure that you are saying the correct sound.


i – itch – /ĭ/


  • d – dog – /d/
  • g – goat – /g/
  • l – lamp – /l/
  • n – nut – /n/
  • r – rat – /r/
  • s – sun – /s/
  • w – wind – /w/
  • v – vest – /v/
  • z – zebra – /z/
  • ff – bluff – /f/
  • ll – bell – /l/
  • ss – class – /s/
  • zz – buzz – /z/

We also learned about a spelling generalization called the Floss Spelling Guide.

The Floss Spelling Guide states that in a one syllable word with a short vowel that ends with f, l, s, or z — double the last letter. Examples: cliff, fill, pass, jazz



Count the number of letters in each word and record. Why is there a difference? f, l, s, z (floss spelling guide).

Example: lass 4 letters 3 sounds f,l,s,z
bill letters sounds
cap letters sounds
fizz letters sounds
mass letters sounds
tiff letters sounds
fit letters sounds
hill letters sounds
pad letters sounds
lip letters sounds



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Reading Essentials 1 Student Workbook Copyright © by Meredith Hutchings, Jocelyn Boyd-Johnson & Nancy Harvey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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