Introduction to Deviance
What you’ll learn to do: define deviance and methods of social control

A thesaurus might list the following words about deviance: “abnormal, aberration, anomaly, weird, irregular, unnatural.” Most references attest to the nature of deviance as being something that violates behaviors, thoughts, or actions.
For sociologists the answer is found by considering exactly who has the power and authority to define the behavior as being deviant. Throughout history, the United States government, religions, education, media, and family types have influenced and shaped what is considered “deviant” and, as illustrated with rapid marijuana legalization in the U.S., what is considered deviant changes over time.
Marijuana legalization provides an excellent example because the Trump administration is at odds with the majority of the country– Attorney General Jeff Sessions is working to enforce marijuana laws at the federal level while states are legalizing marijuana at the state level. Although the U.S. Attorney General is appointed by the U.S. President, the President is elected. State legislators are elected, which helps to explain why states are moving quickly to legalize marijuana, particularly during election years.
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