
13.6 Using IMC in the Sales Process

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the sales process
  • Provide examples of how IMC tools can support various stages of the sales process
  • Explain how IMC tools support the sales process

As you know very well by now, in every successful transaction, there’s a buyer and a seller.

The consumer behaviour module of this course describes the decision process consumers go through when they decide to buy something. From the seller’s perspective, there is a parallel sales process that companies use to clarify the things they must do to successfully move buyers through their decision process.

In this section of the course, we will examine this sales process and the role of integrated marketing communication in supporting it.

Learning Activities

  • Reading: Using IMC in the Sales Process
  • Self Check: Using IMC in the Sales Process


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Introduction to Marketing II 2e (MKTG 2005) Copyright © 2021 by NSCC and Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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