Embed Video and Audio Files


Adding videos is incredibly easy.

  • Copy the video URL and pasted into the chapter where you want the video to display.
  • URL Copy Best Practice — use the URL or EMBED code available in the share option below the video.
Screenshot of YouTube Author and Sharing Options
  • Videos must be publicly available — not on a private access restricted site.
  • Videos from other platforms can also be inserted.
    • In some cases we may need to change the admin setting to allow the video to display.
    • Contact copyright@nscc.ca if you think this step is required.

Video Embed Example


Audio files can also be embedded in Pressbooks.

  • Insert the URL or embed code for the audio file.

Here is an example of an embedded audio clip from SoundCloud. It was created by inserting the URL into the chapter:


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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.