NSCC Pressbooks Projects & Accounts

Access to NSCC Pressbooks is connected to projects.

Adopting an Open Textbook

  • Adopting is defined as using an Open Textbook “as is” with no changes.
  • You can place a request to have an open textbook added to the NSCC Pressbooks network.
  • Pressbooks accounts are not required to add, read, or share the open textbook.

Adapting an Open Textbook

Course Packs

Many NSCC Course packs are now published in Pressbooks. You can convert your course pack to  a Pressbooks hosted version.

Contact the Copyright Open Education Office to learn how.



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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.