Your Book in Brightspace

Textbook Content Boxes

Share open textbooks in Brightspace using a Textbook Content Box.

  • Request the embed code to reproduce the Textbook Content Box in Brightspace.
  • The Textbook Content Box can provide stable access to your open textbook in your Brightspace course.
  • All open textbooks in use at NSCC have a Textbook Content Box.
  • The master box lives on the NSCC Open Textbook Guide.
  • The NSCC Open Textbook Guide is the best place to review the open textbooks being used at NSCC.

Brightspace Compatibility

The spine [table of contents with active links to the web book sections] of any NSCC hosted open textbook can be imported into a Brightspace course using the book’s Common Cartridge file.

In file options available [expand the Download this book options] look for for the file type common cartridge (web links).

The end result looks like the book’s table of contents. The content can be edited — new instructor specific content can be added in.

When books are uploaded to a learning management system via Thin Common Cartridge import, the various parts and chapters of a book are brought in as structured modules and discrete links. This allows you to use the Pressbooks content as the backbone of a course and add other LMS-specific activities between the imported Pressbooks chapter links.”[1]

Requests can be made for these files, for NSCC Libraries Pressbooks published or hosted textbooks, by contacting the NSCC Copyright Office.

  1. Mays, E. (2019, May 15). PressbooksEDU Silver Plans Now Offer Thin Common Cartridge Exports With Web Links. Pressbooks.


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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.