Open Textbook User Statistics

Tracking the use of open textbooks and the associated savings for students provides valuable information.

Share Your Use

It is pretty simple – The NSCC Copyright and Open Education Office needs to know about your open textbook use in order for the use to be factored into our savings tracker.

Screen shot of the NSCC OER Savings Tracker

NSCC Textbook Identification Form

Complete the NSCC textbook identification form when you are using an open textbook. The course and semester information will be sued to add student use data to our OER savings tracker.

Pressbooks Analytics

Pressbooks has built-in analytics data for every open textbook on our network.


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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.