NSCC Pressbooks Supports & Forms


Request a Curated OER List

  • Get started with a curated list to review!
  • NSCC faculty can submit a request for OER research support.
  • A curated list of OER that match course outcomes will be created for the instructor [the content expert] to review.

Do Your Own Research

  • Instructors may elect to conduct their own searches.
  • Check out the Where to Find OER web page for tips on where to look.
  • Your campus library staff can also provide search guidance.

Open Textbooks in use at NSCC.

One on One Support

Request an information session or contact for support.

  • Campus Library
  • Copyright Open Education Office

Forms to Help Guide the Process

Evaluate OER Check Lists for Faculty [PDF downloads]

  • A checklist to help guide your evaluation of the curated list of OER that match your course outcomes and search criteria.
  • Curriculum fit evaluation tool

Adapt or Remix Form [Excel file]

Pressbooks Project Plan Template

  • Adaption projects and new books require a project plan to be submitted with the New Book Request.
  • Adaption is defined as making changes to the original.
  • The changes may be small or extensive.
  • Your project plan provides the details about the planned changes.

Submit a NSCC Pressbooks New Book Request – Adopt

  • Adoption Requests [import as is with no planned changes].
    • No additional forms required.
    • A cloned version will be created by the Copyright Office.

Submit a NSCC Pressbooks New Book Request – Adapt or New

Open Textbook Change Tracker Tool

The change tracker [Excel file] is used to keep track of changes in the textbook. The completed file is imported into the new open textbook to document the changes made.


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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.