Advanced Footnotes

Convert Footnotes from Imported Documents

Pressbooks can also automatically convert your Microsoft Word or Open Office footnotes or chapter endnotes for you.

NOTE: If your Word or Open Office doc has footnotes/endnotes, you must do this conversion, otherwise the footnote/endnote code will generate errors in EPUB outputs, and will not link properly in PDF and Web outputs.

To convert MS Word/Open Office footnotes/endnotes:

  1. After copying or importing Word doc, click "Convert MS Word Footnotes" button
    After copying or importing Word doc, click “Convert MS Word Footnotes” button

    Paste the document contents into the Pressbooks visual editor.

  2. Click the ‘Convert MS Word Footnotes’ option from the visual editor (the icon looks like a four-panel window pane)

This will convert the imported footnotes into Pressbooks-supported footnote shortcodes. The conversion process produces an ellipses (…) at the bottom of the chapter for each converted footnote. These should be manually deleted before save.

Converted footnotes and ellipses to delete
Converted footnotes and ellipses to delete


Prefer to watch and learn? Here’s a brief visual intro to adding footnotes in Pressbooks.


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