Print on Demand (POD)

A print copy of an open textbooks is always an option.

At NSCC students can purchase a print copy using the Print on Demand (POD) order option.

    • POD copies can be purchased on the NSCC Online Bookstore.
    • The Buy Book button on NSCC hosted open textbooks links out to the bookstore order page for the specific title.

  • Textbook Title Boxes also contain a link out to the order page for the specific title.
  • You can request the embed code for a textbook content box from the Copyright Office. Send an email to

Open Textbooks and NSCC Bookstore Course Lists

Your open textbook can also be included in your course textbook requirements listed on the NSCC Bookstore website.

  • Complete the Textbook Identification Form so your campus bookstore knows you are using an open textbook.
  • The Copyright / Open Education Office creates open textbook book records for Campus Bookstores to link to your course listing


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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.