Project Planning

Plan Your Adaptation or new Book

We have a recipe to help you plan.

The Ingredients

  • Curators [creators of new work]
  • Project Lead
  • Librarian
  • Instructional Designer
  • Copyright Office
  • Course Objectives
  • OER to Customize [one or more]
  • Schedule for Project
  • Software – NSCC Pressbooks
  • Distribution – NSCC Pressbooks

Three Phases

  • Pre-Production
  • Production
  • Post-Production


  1. Find your ingredients
    • Define OER need and target audience
    • Request or create a curated list of OER to evaluate for use
    • Determine participants – recruit team and select project lead
  2. Plan
    • Map course objectives to one or more OER
    • Identify OER content to include; sections that need to be edited or replaced, and new content to add.
    • See NSCC Open textbook adaption planning example.
    •  Consider UDL, structure of text, interactive content
  3. Define roles and timelines
    • Decide who will be responsible for what.
  4. Assign tasks
    • Refine responsibilities.
    • Create project tracking tool to record tasks, responsibilities, and completion dates.
    • Consider using the NSCC Tracking Template


The production process is supported by the Copyright Office.

  1. Submit your Pressbooks project request
  2. Training
    • Training sessions are initiated with the submission of a Pressbooks project request.
    • Pressbooks training must be completed for all project participants requiring editing privileges.
  3. Editing
    • Pick an editing model.
    • Multiple creators vs one project manager to centrally receive and integrate changes and updates.
    • Add and update content.
    • Follow NSCC Pressbooks creation guidelines to ensure UDL and accessibility requirements are met.
  4. Librarian Review
    1. Content checked for academic integrity and copyright compliance.
    2. Attribution statements reviewed and revised as required.
  5. Content Review
    • Copyedit & proofing
    • Note: Creators should not review their own work
    • Peer Review
  6. Revise
    • Make changes as required


  1. Add Supporting Content
    • Revise existing (or create) test banks, slide decks, study, and self- guided reading questions
  2. Links
    • Confirm links and embedded content
    • Add internal hyperlinks if required. e.g. Index, glossary
  3. Accessibility Review.
    • Copyright Office reviews to confirm content meets accessibility standards.
    • Changes made if required
  4. Metadata and ISBNs
    • Copyright Office assigns metadata tags, ISBNs and updates bibliographic information.
  5. Publish
    • Declare project complete and release to audience
  6. Copyright Office ensures web book and downloadable files are publicly available.
    • Print on Demand(POD) option created
    • Textbook embed box made available to use for Brightspace courses.


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NSCC Pressbooks Guide Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.