
Assignment: Learning

Conditioning Project

STEP 1: Your assignment is to choose one of your OWN behaviors that you would like to modify, using the conditioning principles you learned about in the text. Consider bad habits you might be interested in changing, such as biting your nails, procrastinating, not exercising, etc. You can utilize principles of classical or operant conditioning, recruit others to help you, employ successive approximations and shaping and modify schedules of reinforcement in order to improve your life.

You must spend at least 10 solid days devoted to this project in order to see solid results.  Please get started right away.

STEP 2: Write a 2-3 page paper (500-800 words) about your project that explains your project, the type of conditioning you used, and the methods and procedures used to execute your project. You should explain the process of shaping the behavior and utilize any or all appropriate vocabulary. Finally, include a discussion of the results and an analysis of recommendations for improvement or future changes.

Criteria Ratings   Points
Project Chooses an appropriate project and spends at least 10 solid days trying to implement the behavior plan. Correctly identifies which type of conditioning is utilized Not the best choice for project or does not devote at least 10 days to changing the behavior Poor choice of project or insufficient time devoted to changing a behavior ___/5
Paper Format Types a 2-3 page double-spaced paper (12 pt font) about the behavior project. Paper has few or no grammatical errors and is easy to read Paper is too short, too long, or contains several grammatical errors Paper is too long or too short, contains many grammatical errors, or is difficult to read ___/5
Methods Explains the process in which the behavior was shaped and/or changed (how/why the project was chosen, what procedures were used, what schedule of reinforcement was used, etc.) Partially explains the process in which the behavior was shaped and/or changed (how/why the project was chosen, what procedures were used, what schedule of reinforcement was used, etc.) Incompletely explains the process in which the behavior was shaped and/or changed (how/why the project was chosen, what procedures were used, what schedule of reinforcement was used, etc.) ___/10
Academic Vocabulary Carefully identifies appropriate vocabulary (for example, if a classical conditioning project, identifies the N, UCR, UCR, CS, and CR, or if operant, identifies generalization, discriminations spontaneous recovery, fixed/variable ratio/interval schedule, etc) Partially identifies appropriate vocabulary (for example, if a classical conditioning project, identifies the N, UCR, UCR, CS, and CR, or if operant, identifies generalization, discriminations spontaneous recovery, fixed/variable ratio/interval schedule, etc) Does not or incompletely identifies appropriate vocabulary (for example, if a classical conditioning project, identifies the N, UCR, UCR, CS, and CR, or if operant, identifies generalization, discriminations spontaneous recovery, fixed/variable ratio/interval schedule, etc) ___/10
Analysis of Results Examines the results of the experiment. Explains whether the conditioning was successful, what could or should be changed if it were to be done again Partial examination of results and conclusions Incomplete examination of results and conclusions ___/10
Total: ___/40
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