
Assignment: Personality—Blirtatiousness

Based on your reading of the Psychology in Real Life activity on Blirtatiousness, explain the following terms as they relate to the blirtatiousness questionnaire:

  • convergent validity
  • discriminant validity
  • criterion validity
  • predictive validity

Give examples from the study as to how these types of validity were examined in the Blirt test.

Finally, think of another way, not mentioned in the reading, that experimenters could test the validity of the Blirt test. What type of validity would you be testing? What would you expect the results of your validity test to be? Explain.

Criteria Ratings Points
Validity definitions Correctly defines and explains the following terms, using evidence and examples from the reading:

  • convergent validity
  • discriminant validity
  • criterion validity
  • predictive validity
Defines terms from the readings but with incomplete evidence or support Partially or incorrectly defines the terms from the readings with no or incomplete evidence __/12
Testing validity Accurately describes a potential way to test the validity of the Blirt test, and explains expected results Incompletely describes another potential way to test the validity of the Blirt test and expected results Does not describe or incorrectly describes a potential way to test the validity of the Blirt test __/8
Total: __/20
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  • Assignment: Personalityu2014Blirtatiousness. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution


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Introduction to Psychology [Lumen/OpenStax] Copyright © 2021 by OpenStax and Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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