
Introduction to The Social Dimension of Work

What you’ll learn to do: explain how industrial-organizational psychologists assess leadership and organization

3d human giving a lecture behind a podium

Human factors psychology, or ergonomics, studies the interface between workers and their machines and physical environments. Human factors psychologists specifically seek to design machines to better support the workers using them. Psychologists may be involved in design of work tools such as software, displays, or machines from the beginning of the design process or during the testing an already developed product. Human factor psychologists are also involved in the development of best design recommendations and regulations. One important aspect of human factors psychology is enhancing worker safety. Human factors research involves efforts to understand and improve interactions between technology systems and their human operators. Human–software interactions are a large sector of this research.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the measurement and determinants of job satisfaction
  • Describe key and terms associated with management and leadership, including Theory X and Theory Y and transactional and transformational leadership
  • Explain the significance of organizational culture
  • Describe the field of human factors psychology and give examples of its application
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Introduction to Psychology [Lumen/OpenStax] Copyright © 2021 by OpenStax and Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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