5 Skills for Success

There are 9 Skills for Success, or essential skills, needed to participate and thrive in learning, working, and life. No matter your profession, these skills are required to be effective and successful in today’s workplace. They “overlap and interact with each other, and with other technical and life skills. They are inclusive and can be adapted to different contexts.”[1]


Image of the nine skills for success with each skill listed in the circle: communication, creativity and innovation, problem solving, reading, digital, collaboration, adaptability, writing, numeracy.
Skills for Success. Image Credit: Employment and Social Development Canada[1]

Skills Description[2]


Description and Resources

  • Creativity & Innovation
  • We use this skill to develop, design, and think of new ways of accomplishing tasks.
  • It’s important in our ever-changing environments both while studying and working.
  • It’s related to: critical thinking, reflection, evaluation, initiative, and continuous learning.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your creativity and innovation skills.
  • Problem Solving
  • We use this skill when identifying, exploring, making recommendations and decisions.
  • It’s important when gathering information, doing research, and finding solutions to problems.
  • It’s related to: critical thinking, research, analysis, decision-making, and adaptability.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your problem-solving skills.
  • Reading
  • Digital
  • We use this skill when we’re using computer programs (e.g., Word, Excel, Sage50), Brightspace, social media, etc.
  • This is an important skill at NSCC when engaging in your courses, writing essays, creating PowerPoint presentations, and when using program-specific software.
  • It’s also an important skill in the workplace for emails, software used for specific professions, and working with clients/customers.
  • Visit these training tools
  • Also, visit the Online Tools at NSCC Subject Guide for help navigating online tools at NSCC.
  • Collaboration
  • We use this skill to work with others, be effective team members, and to maintain positive relationships at school and at work.
  • It’s related to: building relationships, problem-solving, communication, and managing interactions.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your collaboration skills.
  • Visit the Study Skills: Study Groups and Group Work Subject Guide to learn about the benefits of study groups and how to create one.
  • Adaptability
  • We use this skill to adjust our goals, plans and the way you approach challenges and deadlines.
  • It’s related to: persistence, planning, organization, and re-evaluation.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your adaptability skills.
  • Writing
  • We use this skill to communicate information in many settings
  • We use writing skills for emails, texts, reports, recipes, warranty reports, logbooks, estimates, to request information, and to negotiate.
  • We also write using many different digital platforms (e.g., Brightspace, email programs, smart phones, social media, etc.).
  • It’s related to: language development, vocabulary development, reading, organization, and critical thinking.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your writing skills.
  • For help, you can visit the Writing Centre, English as an Additional Language (EAL) supports, and explore the Get Assignments and Research Done chapters in this book.  
  • Numeracy
  • We use this skill to find, use, and report mathematical information, to create and manage personal and professional budgets, report on usage data, take measurements, and make estimates.
  • This can be in the form of symbols, numbers, graphs, and equations.
  • It’s related to: critical thinking, mathematical calculations, understanding digital information, and statistics.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your numeracy skills.
  • If you need help with math tutoring, supports are available through  Peer Assisted Learning Supports (PALS) or Pear Deck Tutor.  Check out the Math Subject Guide and visit the NSCC Financial Literacy Connect Page for additional resources.
  • Communication
  • We use this skill to give and receive information when we speak, listen, and interact with others.
  • It’s essential for group and team environments, understanding perspectives, and sharing information effectively.
  • It’s related to: writing, reading, negotiation, self-reflection, and problem-solving.
  • Visit these training tools to improve your communication skills.
  • You can also visit the NSCC Learning Supports for more resources and supports.

When you’re studying and learning at NSCC, talk to an Advisor to learn more about the skills for success that are needed for your profession or visit the Government of Canada Job Bank to explore careers by essential skills.

Thinking about Your Skills for Success

We all have skills we feel most comfortable with. As we learn, we continue to develop and expand our skills and abilities. It’s common to need extra help in some skill areas more than others. For example, you may enjoy reading, but find writing challenging.

NSCC has a wide variety of Learning Supports available to help you with your skills development.

Also, working with other students in your program can help you share information, learn together, and build your strengths. Visit the Study Skills: Study Groups and Group Work Subject Guide for tips and strategies for starting and running a study group, or join a PALS study group in your area of study.

Try it!

Extend Your Learning


This chapter is adapted under fair dealing from: Employment and Social Development Canada. (2023, June 2). Learn about the Skills.  In Jobs and the workplace. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/training/initiatives/skills-success/understanding-individuals.html

  1. Employment and Social Development Canada. (2023, June 2). Learn about the Skills. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/training/initiatives/skills-success/understanding-individuals.html
  2. Employment and Social Development Canada. (2023, June 2). Learn about the Skills. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/training/initiatives/skills-success/understanding-individuals.html


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