22 Getting Ready for Review Sessions

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Create goals that are SMART! Remember, SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Step 2: Determine what to learn and how to show it on a test

Refer to the learning outcomes for your course, and individual modules within the course.  You may find these:

  • In your course outline and work plan.
  • At the beginning of textbook chapters and Brightspace module.
  • In course notes provided by your instructor.

Step 3: Identify Active Learning Strategies

There are many ways to learn the material. Finding an active learning strategy that works for you is important.

Develop and answer self-testing questions
 Use flash cards for key concepts
Make your own flashcard or use an app to create flashcards
Create mind maps
Create charts that compare/contrast key course concepts
Develop mnemonics to help you memorize important information
Write outlines for potential essay questions
Complete practice questions from your textbook/course materials
Develop practice exams with a study partner or group
Create summaries of course notes
Develop a daily study plan that includes goals and rewards
Develop case studies and connect them with course concepts
Review previous quizzes, noting your strengths and areas for improvement

Step 4: Identify resources that can help you succeed

You don’t have to do it alone! There are many resources available to NSCC students to help you succeed.

Resources include:

Step 5: Create a study plan

A study plan can help you organize your time to make sure you cover all the material you need to learn along with strategies to support your learning. Think of one test that you’ll be writing soon.


  • what you need to learn, and
  • 1 or more active learning strategies that you’ll use to study the content.

Use this information to create a study plan. The chart below provides an example of what might be included in a study plan. What might your study plan include?

Study Session Date What I need to learn Strategies/resources for learning
February 1 Psychology Chapter 3: LOs Venn diagram (compare/contrast types of memory)
Compare/contrast types of memory (semantic, episodic procedural) Review vocabulary in flash card app
Describe the stages in recording new information in long-term memory Self-testing questions on memory
Explain the role of the hippocampus, amygdala, and cerebellum in memory processes Draw and label diagram of brain re: memory
February 2 Explain the role of Pavlov, Skinner and Watson in the development of behaviourism Create a mind map of behaviourism/ behavioural psychologists
Compare and contrast classical and operant conditioning Review vocabulary in flash card app
Create a model to demonstrate how learning occurs through a process of conditioning Develop scenarios that explain the process of classical/operant conditioning
Write questions for study group session
 February 3…

As you complete your study plan, track the Learning Outcomes you’re comfortable with, and which are still difficult for you. As your test date comes near, spend extra time in areas that are still challenging.

Try it!

Which tests or quizzes are you preparing for now? Create a study plan using the Strategic Study Plan Template.



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