

Students have the privilege of signing guests into Campus Housing. When a student registers a guest, they become the individual’s host. Based on the individual campus, students may be required to register all guests/visitors regardless of time period or length. This includes parents and other family members.

Guest expectations:

  • Students must always accompany their guest(s), with the exception of using the washroom facilities. Hosts are not permitted to leave their guest in their room unaccompanied.
  • Students are responsible for the behaviors of their guest at all times, and ensuring that guests are aware of, understand, and abide by the Campus Housing Community Standards. If a guest violates Community Standards, the host may be held responsible as though the host violated that policy.
  • A student may sign in a guest for a maximum of three (3) consecutive overnights, with no more than nine (9) overnight visits per month per individual student.
  • Hosts are not permitted to have minors as overnight guests in Campus Housing. Minors are individuals that are 17 years of age or younger.

Campus Housing staff reserve the right to restrict the number of guests permitted at any time throughout the year and without notice in extenuating circumstances and/or when there is a concern for the safety and security of the Campus Housing community.

  • COGs students can request guests using the COGs Guest Form
  • Strait Areas students can request guests using the Strait Guest Form.
    • Strait Campus Housing requires 48 hour notice for overnight guest.
  • Truro students can requests guests by signing them in at the Front Desk.
    • Truro Campus Housing requires 48 hour notice for overnight guest.