
Sexual Violence

Sexual Wellness

There are various sexual health wellness clinics and services throughout the province. 

Supporting your sexual wellness, and that of your roommates includes insuring you are being respectful about where, when, and how loud your sex is. In the roommate agreement speak about roommate’s comfort related to sex, sex in shared spaces (for example, showers), and if they would prefer prior notice if bringing a partner home for sex.

For your physical sexual wellness, you should ensure you are using barrier methods (condoms, dental damns, gloves) when having sex. Always ensure you are getting tested between partners, this can happen at community health clinics.

This is for both you and your roommate’s wellness. For more information visit the Sexual Health Nova Scotia website.


Consent means someone freely agrees to engage in a certain act. Consent is an active, ongoing, affirmative, conscious, direct, unimpaired and voluntary agreement to engage and continue to engage in sexual activity. It’s a non-negotiable part of sexual activity. A person who is asleep or unconscious is incapable of consenting to sexual activity. In other words, if consent isn’t present, it’s sexual violence.

A person may be incapable of consenting to sexual activity when there is an imbalance of power or authority, or when one person is in a position of trust and induces another to engage in sexual activity. The act of using subtle pressure, drugs, alcohol or force to have sexual contact with someone against their will (when they have already expressed that they do not want to have sexual contact) is sexual coercion.

It is important to be knowledgeable about the Age of Consent in Canada, and laws related to sexual interactions. The age of consent is typically 16 Years Old, however there are some exceptions where the legal age must be higher related to a person in a position of trust, influence, and dependency.

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence includes behaviours and actions that are sexual in nature – either physical or psychological – that are unwanted, coerced or committed without consent.

It can be:

  • A single occurrence, or can be ongoing by the same or different perpetrator(s)
  • Experienced by people of all genders
  • Experienced by people of any age
  • Is most likely perpetrated by someone known to the victim/survivor
  • In-­person or online (i.e. using social media such as Facebook and Tinder, sharing nude pictures, texting)

If you need any support related to the topic of sexual violence while studying at NSCC you can contact your campus counsellor, and NSCC Employee or the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Lead.

  • Learn about your options by visiting the NSCC web page Get support if you’ve experience sexual violence.
  • Contact Shannon Pringle, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Lead, directly at Shannon.Pringle@nscc.ca or call 1-782-641-5117.
  • Shannon can explain what is confidential and what is not, describe options and processes and let you know what supports are available.
  • You will also decide how and if you wish to participate in any process ahead.

For more information on sexual violence and NSCC supports visit: Sexual violence information and supports.


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