
Assignment: Adolescence Interview Discussion

STEP 1: Interview an adult, at least above age 25, about an adolescent. Ask this person to reflect on their adolescent years and to describe a typical day in detail. What did they do? Who were they with? Was there something else they wished they could be doing? What was expected of them? What were their dreams for the future? Prompt the person to describe what is/was going on in their culture around the time of their adolescence.

  • Interviewee’s first name (or pseudonym):
  • Sex:
  • Age:
  • Education status:
  • Occupation:
  • Marital status:
  • Number and ages of children, if applicable:

Answer yes or no to the following questions:

  1. Adolescents should spend more time in school. ________. Additional notes, if any:
  2. Adolescents should have to work for their extra money. ________. Additional notes, if any:
  3. Adolescents should be required to do volunteer community service. ________. Additional notes, if any:
  4. Adolescents should spend two years in the military before they go to college or begin working. ________. Additional notes, if any:
  5. Most adolescents are sexually active. ___________. Additional notes, if any:
  6. Adolescents should be given birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. _____________. Additional notes, if any:
  7. Adolescents account for most of the crime in my community. __________. Additional notes, if any:
  8. Most adolescents waste a lot of time. ____________. Additional notes, if any:
  9. Most adolescents are careless drivers. ___________. Additional notes, if any:
  10. I remember adolescence as the best time of my life. ___________. Additional notes, if any:
  11. Many adolescents use drugs. _________. Additional notes, if any:
  12. Adolescents just delay growing up by going to college. ____________. Additional notes, if any:

Ask the following questions:

  1. At what age do you think adolescents should be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages? Why?
  2. Do you think that adolescence is harder or easier than when you were that age?
  3. What advice would you give to your 16-year old self?

STEP 2: Interview an adolescent or teenager between the ages of 13-19, with permission from them (and their parent or guardian if younger than 18).

Interviewee’s first name (or pseudonym):
Grade/education level:

Answer yes or no to the following questions:

  1. Should teens have to work for the things they want? _______. Additional notes, if any:
  2. Should teens be required to do volunteer community service? _________. Additional notes, if any:
  3. Have you ever been bullied? ____________________________________________________. Additional notes, if any:
  4. What is an appropriate age to become sexually active? ______________________________________. Additional notes, if any:
  5. Should teens have free access to birth control?  _______________. Additional notes, if any:
  6. Do you think that teens account for most of the crime in your community? _____________. Additional notes, if any:
  7. Do you think most teens are careless drivers? ___________. Additional notes, if any:
  8. Do you feel this is the best time of your life? _________. Additional notes, if any:
  9. Have you ever skipped class? __________________. Additional notes, if any:
  10. Have you ever used drugs? ____________________. Additional notes, if any:
  11. Have you ever snuck out of the house? ___________. Additional notes, if any:

Ask the following questions:

  1. Whom do you turn to for advice?
  2. What law is your peer group most likely to break?
  3. What goals do you have for your education?
  4. At what age do you think people should be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages? Why?
  5. Do you think that adolescence is harder or easier than when your parents were your age? Why?

STEP 3: Post these two interviews to the class discussion.

STEP 4: After looking at your two interviews and the others posted, write a post between 250 and 500 words discussing what you’ve learned from these interviews. Were there any answers that surprised you? Do you notice any trends? Do you think there are major generational differences in the adolescent experience? How do the experiences from those interviewed compare with your own experiences? How do these tie in with or confirm the things you learned about in this module?

STEP 5: Return to the discussion to comment on at least ONE other post (in at least FIVE sentences). Expand on a classmate’s post in a value-adding, topic-related way. Promote a collaborative, supportive community, and advance the dialogue through follow-up questions. Reply posts cannot be one-liners, off-topic posts, vague statements, unsupported opinions, inadequate explanations or simply say, “I agree” or “good job.”

Criteria Ratings Points
Presents a coherent post between 250-500 words Writes in clear, descriptive sentences with no or few grammatical errors. The post is well organized and complete, and addresses observations and trends from the interviews. Does not provide enough detail in the post about connections and observations from the interview, or post contains several grammatical errors. Incomplete post or difficult to understand. __/10
Shares complete interview of the adolescent Copies and pastes the entire interview in the discussion board. Includes a partial interview. Does not include interview. __/4
Shares complete interview of the adult Copies and pastes the entire interview in the discussion board. Includes a partial interview. Does not include interview. __/4
Posts at least one reply to the discussion Posts a value-adding and related comment that contributes to discussion about adolescence. Includes a weak or off-topic comment on another post. Does not post a value-adding and related comment that contributes to discussion about adolescence. __/2
Total: __/20


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