
1.7 Value of Marketing

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the benefits consumers derive from marketing activity
  • Explain the benefits companies and organizations derive from marketing activity
  • Explain the benefits society derives from marketing activity
  • Describe how an understanding of marketing makes people more informed as both consumers and participants in society
  • Explain how marketing creates value for the consumer, the company, and society

For some people, marketing has a reputation as being fluffy, superficial, and light. Certainly, a lot of marketing activities have earned that reputation over the years. One goal of this course is to help you understand the important role marketing plays in business and everyday life in today’s globally connected world.

Are we arguing that marketing is an inherently good thing? No, we’re arguing that it is an inherently useful and potentially powerful thing.

Is marketing a matter of life-and-death importance? Generally, no.

Does marketing save lives? Actually, sometimes it does. [1]

A screenshot of a news article reading "Alberta has spent more than $15M on Covid-19 awareness campaigns" with a picture of a billboard with the text "Need to self-isolate? Get financial support. Alberta.ca/isolation"
Screenshot of a Global News story posted March 25, 2021 to Globalnews.ca

Learning Activities

  • Reading: The Value of Marketing


  1. Bourne, K. (2021, March 25). Alberta has spent more than $15M on Covid-19 awareness campaigns. Global News. https://globalnews.ca/news/7720170/alberta-government-covid-19-advertising-cost/


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Introduction to Marketing I 2e (MKTG 1010) Copyright © 2021 by NSCC & Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.