
5.7 Exercises

Analysis Problems

  1. Determine the load voltage for the model of Figure 5.7.1 if Vgen = 10 mV, Zgen = 50 Ω,
    Zin = 1 MΩ, Zout = 75 Ω, Zload= 1 k Ω and Av= 50.

    Figure 5.7.1
  2. Determine the load voltage for the model of Figure 5.7.1 given Vgen = 8 mV, Zgen = 1 k Ω,
    Zin = 6 kΩ, Zout = 500 Ω, Zload = 2 k Ω and Av = 100.
  3. If the circuit of Problem 1 has a compliance of 2 volts, will the output clip? What if the input is increased to 100 mV?
  4.  If the circuit of Problem 2 has a compliance of 5 volts, will the output clip? What if the input is increased to 200 mV?
  5. If an amplifier has Av = 25, Vin = 20 mV and there is no appreciable loading, determine the output signal-to-noise ratio if the amplifier generates an output noise voltage of 10 µV.
  6. Determine which waveforms from Figures 5.7.26 through 5.7.6 exhibit halfwave symmetry.
    Figure 5.7.2
    Figure 5.7.3
    Figure 5.7.4
    Figure 5.7.5
    Figure 5.7.6
  7. Determine the Miller equivalent resistances for the circuit of Figure 5.7.7
    if Av = −20 and R = 60 kΩ.

    Figure 5.7.7
  8. Determine the Miller equivalent capacitances for the circuit of Figure 5.7.8
    assuming Av = −30 and C = 200 pF.

    Figure 5.7.8

Challenge Problems

  1. If the circuit of Problem 1 has a compliance of 20 volts, how large can the input signal be before the load voltage is clipped?
  2. If the circuit of Problem 2 has a compliance of 10 volts, how large can the input signal be before the load voltage is clipped?
  3. Using Figure 5.7.7 as a guide and assuming that R = 100 kΩ, how large would the gain have to be such that the input equivalent resistance is 4 kΩ?
  4. Using Figure 5.7.8 as a guide and assuming that Av = −35, determine a value for C such that the input equivalent capacitance is 1.2 nF.

Computer Simulation Problems

  1. Simulate the circuit of Problem 1 and verify the load voltage.
  2. Simulate the circuit of Problem 2 and verify the load voltage.


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Semiconductor Devices: Theory and Application Copyright © 2023 by James M. Fiore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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