
6.6 Exercises

Analysis Problems

  1. From the FGH50T65SQD data sheet, determine the collector-emitter saturation voltage at 25°C for 𝑉𝐺𝐸 = 7 volts and 𝐼𝐶 = 50 amps.
  2. From the FGH50T65SQD data sheet, determine the change in collector-emitter saturation voltage from 25°C to 175°C for 𝑉𝐺𝐸 = 8 volts and 𝐼𝐶 = 100 amps.
  3. From the FGH50T65SQD data sheet, determine the rise time for a 50 amp collector current at 25°C for 𝑉𝐺𝐸 = 15 volts.
  4. From the IRGPC40K data sheet, determine the combined turn-on and rise time at 150°C.
  5. From the IRGPC40K data sheet, determine the combined turn-off and fall time at 150°C.

Computer Simulation Problems

  1. Repeat the simple switch simulation from this chapter using the FGH50T65SQD IGBT and compare the resulting voltage, current and power waveforms.
  2. Repeat the simple switch simulation from this chapter using the FDMS86180 power E-MOSFET from Chapter 3 and compare the resulting voltage, current and power waveforms.


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