
Unit 11: Practical Limitations of Op Amp Circuits

Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Define gain-bandwidth product and describe its use in circuit design and analysis.
  • Determine upper and lower break frequencies in a multi-stage circuit.
  • Define slew rate and power bandwidth, and calculate their effect on circuit performance.
  • Understand the difference between power bandwidth and small-signal bandwidth.
  • Detail the differences between compensated, noncompensated, and decompensated op amps.
  • Calculate the DC offset of an op amp circuit and understand how to minimize it.
  • Calculate the DC drift of an op amp circuit and understand how to minimize it.
  • Discuss which factors affect the noise performance of an op amp circuit.
  • Calculate the noise voltage of an op amp circuit.
  • Analyze the CMRR, PSRR, and S/N performance of an op amp circuit.


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